Sorry I haven't been onboard lately. 13 year old newly diagnosed daughter, homeschooled all her life, is now loving Special Ed. She goes out with one of her classmates and a paraeducator to a mainline art class. My parents, now that they've had a vacation to reduce the stress from their stuff, have ceased to be stinky and have dropped the "you were an idiot to have home schooled her all those years" attitude. My Grandpa has been OK too, asks her about school when we visit (which he never did before - all he ever said was, "When are you going to go to real school?"). So I'm just letting them bask in what they think is their triumph and leaving the subject alone. I wish they could see the situation like I see it - home school was fantastic, then we hit a speed bump, now we're trying something different. I wish they could say what every single school district employee from the evaluation team to the bus drivers have said - they've all said we've done well with her and she's a terrific kid. Thank you for all the support and advice.