Ilka wrote:
DW_a_mom wrote:
Because it's not that simple, every "cure" has a cost, and you do better if you can manage it on your own without having to pay the cost (side effects, etc). These things are an amazing lifesaver when nothing else works, but good doctors try to make sure you really are at the end of the line, or unable to pull together better options, before they give them out. Once started, meds can be VERY difficult to go off of ... I know your post was mostly wishful thinking, but since I've taken that sort of road, I thought it was important to make sure everyone knew it's not magic.
Thank you for giving me your insight. For a moment I thought it was a GREAT idea, but you are right. Honestly I am not fan of meds. I try to avoid giving meds to my child, and thank God her pediatrician and therapist are in the same page. I just thought that could be a great idea to deal with all the stress related with having a kid with AS. The nights without sleeping (night terrors), the constantly watching (my daughter used to harm herself, so I had to be constantly watching what she was doing), the tantrums, the meltdowns, the fights (oppositional defiant disorder)... I used to feel exhausted, stressed and on the verge of a nervous breakdown all the time. Thank God things are better now.
It did get me through when I couldn't see any other road, and that was important to my being able to meet the needs of my kids. I don't really regret the decision I made, because I wasn't in the right place otherwise to be the best mom for my kids, but I do wish I had been better able to see the costs at the time, and know how many years it would take to change the road once taken, so that I might have had more incentive for investing in a different answer. Does that make any sense?
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).