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27 Jul 2011, 5:51 am

I posted this on Ayn's site today and I thought that a lot of people here would enjoy it as well. The woman who wrote the 10 things every child with autism wishes you knew has written a lot of other books....1001 Great ideas for teaching and raising children with autism or aspergers and 10 things your student with autism wishes you knew to name a few. I really like this song even though Im not a country music fan and I dedicated it to all my kids not long ago on my FB page on Mothers Day but was not aware of this video.


Snowy Owl
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27 Jul 2011, 6:58 am

Awesome video! :-)

Michelle K. - OCD, undiagnosed Aspergers
Mom to Jordan age 10 - Sensory Integration Disorder, undiagnosed Aspergers, Diabetes, JRA


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27 Jul 2011, 11:16 am

Great video!

I was expecting it to be bad because they started off with person-first language, and I much prefer to be called an autistic person than a person with autism. But #7 and #10 really made me cry, as well as the ending. :D


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27 Jul 2011, 12:15 pm

I call myself and my Aspie kids....Aspies and I call my daughter an Autie or Autistic. We know we and our kids are more than just Autistic....Im not into all the political correctness of it, I know some people get all upset if you call your kid an Aspie or use the word Autistic....I dont care :P


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27 Jul 2011, 9:48 pm

I have wondered about that whole "person first" language movement and how people feel about it. I have heard people who are adamant about both sides and I sure don't want to offend anyone but I really have no idea what is the best thing to say. I mean we say that my husband is diabetic not a person with diabetes.


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27 Jul 2011, 10:58 pm

I can't read while someone is talking/singing so I had to turn the volume down and the pictures behind the words made it hard to read too. There are certainly some great points in there but I wish it had been worded a bit differently so as not to come across as blanket statements that are true for all autistic people. The statement at the end bugs me ... to state that Einstein, Mozart and Van Gogh were all autistic ... it's pure speculation, not a known fact. If what's been said about Einstein not speaking until he was 4 years old is true I can believe that one, Mozart I don't know aside from being gifted and socially inappropriate what they're basing it on ... but Van Gogh was born with a brain lesion, drank absinthe and used lead based paints ... his eccentricities are attributable to other things.

Last edited by Washi on 27 Jul 2011, 11:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.


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27 Jul 2011, 11:08 pm

Bombaloo wrote:
I have wondered about that whole "person first" language movement and how people feel about it. I have heard people who are adamant about both sides and I sure don't want to offend anyone but I really have no idea what is the best thing to say. I mean we say that my husband is diabetic not a person with diabetes.

It's interesting to compare the wording for other conditions ... seems to me mostly treatable/curable/temporary things get worded that way .... I have no problem saying my son is autistic ... it feels awkward saying "a person with autism" like it's some separate entity.


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27 Jul 2011, 11:25 pm

Washi wrote:
I can't read while someone is talking/singing so I had to turn the volume down and the pictures behind the words made it hard to read too. There are certainly some great points in there but I wish it had been worded a bit differently so as not to come across as blanket statements that are true for all autistic people. The statement at the end bugs me ... to state that Einstein, Mozart and Van Gogh were all autistic ... it's pure speculation, not a known fact. If what's been said about Einstein not speaking until he was 4 years old is true I can believe that one, Mozart I don't know aside from being gifted and socially inappropriate what they're basing it on ... but Van Gogh was born with a brain lesion, drank absinthe and used lead based paints ... his eccentricities are attributable to other things.

I read somewhere that Einstein spoke at 2 years 9 months. Someone checked it out with his family, apparently.


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27 Jul 2011, 11:43 pm

Wreck-Gar wrote:
Washi wrote:
I can't read while someone is talking/singing so I had to turn the volume down and the pictures behind the words made it hard to read too. There are certainly some great points in there but I wish it had been worded a bit differently so as not to come across as blanket statements that are true for all autistic people. The statement at the end bugs me ... to state that Einstein, Mozart and Van Gogh were all autistic ... it's pure speculation, not a known fact. If what's been said about Einstein not speaking until he was 4 years old is true I can believe that one, Mozart I don't know aside from being gifted and socially inappropriate what they're basing it on ... but Van Gogh was born with a brain lesion, drank absinthe and used lead based paints ... his eccentricities are attributable to other things.

I read somewhere that Einstein spoke at 2 years 9 months. Someone checked it out with his family, apparently.

I can't find a reference to that and what references I can find aren't from reputable sources. :? I've also heard his first words were "cold soup". Who knows.


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28 Jul 2011, 12:15 am

Washi wrote:
I can't find a reference to that and what references I can find aren't from reputable sources. :? I've also heard his first words were "cold soup". Who knows.

I can't find the article where I heard 2.9 but pretty much everywhere else says "between 2 and 4." But they mostly say his first words were "The soup is too HOT" at the dinner table one day. Urban legend?

No way we'll ever really know...


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28 Jul 2011, 8:58 am

Well, my reasoning about person-first language is that we only seem to use it for something bad. My gender isn't all there is to me, but no one seems to see a problem with me calling myself 'a woman'. My hair color is even less relevant, but no one claims me calling myself 'a blonde' is offensive (provided I'm not using that to insult my intelligence, of course). What makes autism different from those things, that we have to use convoluted language to make sure people know we're people?

But more importantly, I think people pay way too much emphasis on language, and not enough on the ideas being expressed. The outcry about Tropic Thunder was a good example - I watched the clip where they use the term 'ret*d', and they're actually making a very good point about stereotyping. To me, that situation was like freaking out about The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for having the word 'n****r' in there. But yet most of the disability movement seemed to be in an outcry about it.


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28 Jul 2011, 4:17 pm

I dont think the stuff about Mozart and Einstein being Autistic was in the book I think the parents that made the video put it in there. I also had trouble reading at first but they do give a lot of time to read and you can buy the book if you are interested.
I think when people say things about famous dead people having Asperger's they should say that they possibly could have had Asperger's....there was no such diagnosis then you know? So the possibility is there but to say that it is fact, it cant be. I think that is just a thing that people who have Aspies tell themselves or their kids to make them feel better. However there are some famous people who have been diagnosed autistic so that is who they should use if that is important. My son is totally blown away by the fact that the guy who invented Pokemon Satoshi Tajiri is an Aspie.


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28 Jul 2011, 4:42 pm

liloleme wrote:
I dont think the stuff about Mozart and Einstein being Autistic was in the book I think the parents that made the video put it in there. I also had trouble reading at first but they do give a lot of time to read and you can buy the book if you are interested.
I think when people say things about famous dead people having Asperger's they should say that they possibly could have had Asperger's....there was no such diagnosis then you know? So the possibility is there but to say that it is fact, it cant be. I think that is just a thing that people who have Aspies tell themselves or their kids to make them feel better. However there are some famous people who have been diagnosed autistic so that is who they should use if that is important. My son is totally blown away by the fact that the guy who invented Pokemon Satoshi Tajiri is an Aspie.

I don't know about the book, but the bit about Einstein, Mozart and VanGogh was on a handout my son's early intervention therapists gave us last year. It's a shame because there are some great things in there, but it should be worded differently. (The trouble I had reading it probably has to do with my own AS, I just paused it to read whenever the pictures were moving.) I agree, they should have chosen people who are known to have ASD's.