Hi all I'm so RELIEVED.....my sons school started today...he already had the panic attack last night...you know the dril!
I was so worried and stressed, because he received the ASD diagnosis during the holidays....that meant that I had to make an appointment with school to try and explain to them what this mean...the impact on class....giving advice on structuring , handling , communication in class...agh... you know all of that! I fealt so afraid and owerwhelmed!
This morning the teacher greated us with a twinckle in her eye....said she was on a coarse during the holiday and she learned so much and the child they discussed sounded just like my son...I told her we got a diagnosis but I will make an appointment with her next week, first want to give my son time to settle into the new term.
When I went to fetch him today...she said she and the principal learned so much.....giving hints here and there regarding this workshop...So at the end I asked her what the workshop was about and she said AS and ASD! She said it fits my son to a T. I said yes, this is also what the pdoc diagnosed!
(I also fealt SO RELIEVED, because now I can stop hitting myself with guilt feelings that I'm being oversensitive regarding my son, that an objective outsider also see the symptoms I'm seing!)
She said this is almost like a miracle, because she and the principal were the only teachers from our school who attended because it was holiday, it's the first time she learned about this and they got guidance how to handle these kids! This morning when we got into class (my son was so anxious because they always get moved to new desks the first day), she actually moved other kids, so that my son can sit closer to the door, in his old spot, far from distractions and kids bumping against him and she sat him alone, so no one to talk or bump against him all the time!
All I can say is HALLELUYA!