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17 Oct 2011, 9:57 am

Hello! My step son has just moved in with us. (YAY!! !!) He was diagnosed at age 4 with aspergers and ADHD. He is VERY smart, sweet and sensitive. He is extremely literal. And when doing homework, if he can't find the exact word for word question and answer in the book, he can't figure it out. Any advice on how to teach him that it doesn't have to be exact??
Also, ANY advice on must read books, ways to help him, anything would be greatly appreciated. He has not been given any extra help we think he has needed. And now that we can FINALLY get him the help and support he needs, I am looking for a little help from fellow parents!

Thanks in Advance!


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17 Oct 2011, 4:15 pm

I believe there is a recommended reading sticky at the top of this page. As for help with the H.W. What age is your stepson now? We need a little more information before giving an answer.

I am not an expert on anything. Any advice given is with the best of intentions; a small way for me to repay a community that helps me when I need it.


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17 Oct 2011, 6:33 pm

Welcome to WP! How old is he now and in what grade?


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17 Oct 2011, 6:44 pm

Sorry!! He is 10 and in 5th grade. As I type we are having homework issues:( He only wants me to give him the answers, I feel like hes getting lazy on me. I KNOW he knows this stuff, He is SO smart!!
Also, Any advice on Medications?? He is currently on Focalin and we don't feel that it is helping much. It calms him down but doesn't help him focus anymore than he can without meds. Thanks so much!


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17 Oct 2011, 6:58 pm

Perhaps work on reading comprehension? It seems like he is unable to pull out the main idea and details, if I'm understanding the issue correctly. How is his reading comprehension for books?


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17 Oct 2011, 8:14 pm

Do searches on "rigidity" for the needs-things-exact thing. Unfortunately, I haven't found terrific ways to teach flexibility to my own son, so I can't recommend anything specific - but I can tell you that this is in no way unusual for a child on the spectrum. My husband explains that my son has a digital brain: either things are on or off, right or wrong, black or white. He's starting to get that there are shades of grey, but slowly.

See if your health insurance will cover a re-assessment, take him to a developmental pediatrician, and see if they've got any specific suggestions. Because typically developing kids make a big leap in 3rd and 4th grade, his specific deficits may be more obvious - and they may have more specific suggestions on what interventions he needs.


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17 Oct 2011, 9:36 pm

Good point, He only comprehends 50% of what he reads. Thank you:)


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17 Oct 2011, 9:38 pm

Thank you!! We are currently seeking more help for him. He has only lived her for a few months so we are just beginning this process!


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18 Oct 2011, 8:39 am

This may sound overly simplistic, but here goes:

Keep in the forefront of your mind that this child is more than schoolwork, homework and fidgeting. Don't let his difficulties focusing interfere with your relationship.

I was getting absolutely twisted in knots because of the HW struggle before I realized that there is so little intrinsic value in HW, we were doing more harm than good.

I am having to constantly readjust my expectations and plans to work with DS learning style. For instance, he can't tolerate being bored. Last night we were doing a math quiz (boring), we ended up reading the questions in funny voices. It took 2x as long to finish (maybe 5x really), but we got it done. The only tears shed were mine from laughing so hard I cried.

I have had to re-look at everything I thought I knew, and forge a completely different path. Not sure it will get us where we want to go quickly, but it is avoiding the quicksand of the direct route.


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18 Oct 2011, 8:47 am

He's not too young to be shown a thesaurus. Also you may want to read anything written by Tony Attwood. Check out BOOKS on this very same website - top of the page :) - it is a very comprehensive list!


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18 Oct 2011, 11:32 am

Kailuamom wrote:
I am having to constantly readjust my expectations and plans to work with DS learning style. For instance, he can't tolerate being bored. Last night we were doing a math quiz (boring), we ended up reading the questions in funny voices. It took 2x as long to finish (maybe 5x really), but we got it done. The only tears shed were mine from laughing so hard I cried.

I have had to re-look at everything I thought I knew, and forge a completely different path. Not sure it will get us where we want to go quickly, but it is avoiding the quicksand of the direct route.

This is a great example of how to break up that rigidity. I always kind of laugh at myself when I remember to use humor to get DS "unstuck" from a position he has taken (e.g. doesn't want to brush teeth). It doesn't always work, I guess mostly because I don't always find something that HE actually finds humorous but when it does work I always have that head slapping, DUH, moment and try to remember to use that more in the future.


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18 Oct 2011, 11:38 am

find him the right word, dig for it, teach him to scan [he might have the special power]



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18 Oct 2011, 3:30 pm

Above is a link to an online reading comprehension program that I just started with my own son. It has different levels and is meant for learners from kindergarten through the fifth grade. It is $ 198 for a membership and 50 lessons or $ 33/month installment plan--6 montlhy payments.

You might give it a try.

_________________ is my website with hundreds of links and thousands of educational videos for kids, parents and educators. Son with high-functioning classic autism, aged 7, and son with OCD/Aspergers, aged 4. I love my boys!