Eureka-C wrote:
This may not be the issue, but I thought it worth mentioning. all the females in my family have a sensitivity to whatever they put on clothes before they sell them. So you have to wash all undergarments before wearing. Many of us also have a sensitivity to perfumes, dyes, and softeners. We wash our undergarments separately with "free" detergent and no softener. Also no perfumed toilet paper and whatever they use in charmin is a nightmare. We stick to northern and angel soft mostly. The sensitivity causes itching, a hot feeling and extreme discomfort. Only at is worst do you see any physical symptoms like reddness.
Exactly this, and what Washi said too. All the women in my family have this sensitivity too. I would try using a scent free, mild detergent on her clothing (and underwear), and definitely no fabric softener. Make sure she's not using any bubble bath, bath beads etc, and no soap "down there" just clean water. Even washing hair in the bath can be a problem, because it leaves a residue of shampoo and conditioner all over the body. Either showering or rinsing off her body and vulva after the bath thoroughly would be a good idea.
I would try these measures for a few weeks and see if there is an improvement.