I have two boys, one with Asperger's and one with PDD-NOS
When the diagnosis was formalized, after quite a bit of testing and evaluation, I sat down with my wife and formulated an action plan.
The first thing we realized is that these boys, especially the old one, were going to struggle in a traditional school environment. Not necessarily because of academics, but because of rigid rules and the politics of social interaction. Initially, when my boy was in kindergarden, the teacher immediately wanted him medicated, and later the principal began to give us grief.
So we yanked both kids out of school. Formulated our own curriculum that consists of Applied Behavioral Analysis, and an eclectic approach to instruction that involves lots of self-directed learning. The boys are in social clubs and play groups to help with socialization.
I am lucky my wife can stay home and direct the homeschooling (I pick it up on the weekends). Obviously, not every family has this luxury, but I did give up quite a bit to make it happen.
My kids have made great progress, and the oldest boy is brilliant--far smarter than I was at age 8. If he wants to learn about taxonomy and zoology to great detail, that's what we do. We might spend a whole week on it. That is the beauty of a curriculum customized entirely for him.
Our biggest challenge is with the insurance companies. I have to pay for ABA out of pocket, and we get no PT or ST through insurance. The school district gives us some ST, which helps.
The PPACA (Obamacare) granted exemptions to most companies, so my employer basically announced they won't cover Autism at all--in fact, my health policy book does not even recognize Autism as a disorder (we have BCBS).
I think you will find that the great project of your life is now your son: I tend not to think about grandiose career goals or saving the world. The immediate need is here and now.
And that is a good thing!
People with Asperger's can accomplish amazing things: while they may have trouble in some areas, they tend to excel in others.