Thanks, DW a mom, It is very helpful to get a reminder every now and then that, yes, this can be done.
You know, we moved recently and I think that has added to my stress. In her old school, all the parents "knew" about her. They had seen her with a 1:1 for 2 years of school. So they knew something was up with her. So without telling anyone anything, everyone knew. And everyone was so universally proud of her and protective of her. Because they saw her go from the little girl who hardly knew how to say a word to the girl in her class with the biggest vocabulary. We were all proud of her, you know?
But now that we have moved, people don't know. So sometimes she ends up looking rather bratty and I am afraid of what people think. Part of me wants to tell them she has mild autism, but part of me doesn't want to say anything. Not because I am embarrassed or anything like that. It's because I just want people to see her for her, not as a label. Yet I feel without that label, there is too much left open to interpretation and that interpretation can be a negative one.
So, twice now I have just taken a deep breath and told another mother that she has autism, but that she is pretty much like the other girls in her class. Both of the moms so far have been very supportive and accepting. You are right that in some ways it takes the whole community. What a dream that would be if we could only count on the whole community, right?
Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage