azurecrayon wrote:
whether they call it aspergers or pdd-nos, doesnt really matter, its all autism.
some states offer a waiver program where you can get medicaid coverage even if you are over the income limit, or can purchase coverage for children if over the limit but within a certain income range. your local dhs office could give you info on whether you qualify for those programs.
With respect to health insurance companies, it does matter. At a health insurance company, a diagnosis of something is entered into the system using a diagnostic code which is used during the underwriting process to determine your coverage.
I have a health condition which used to be coded with a diagnostic code which was a sub-category of a similar yet entirely different condition with a different cause and different (much more dire) prognosis. This had caused others with the same condition that I have to be denied insurance, or offered insurance at rates exceeding $600 per month.
A group of advocates successfully lobbied to have the condition coded under it's own category where it rightfully belonged and this eliminated the issue of those with the condition being denied insurance or charged such high rates.