Looking for clarity
As a family seeking diagnosis for my son, we have been through the mill like most on this forum, again I feel I understand but I am confused.
My son has been given the diagnosis of Asperger's, HFA privately, but to get services in Ireland he has to be diagnosed by the government run agency I suppose, they call themselves Regional Autism Spectrum Disorders Services. He had his assessment poor guy so many but they have dx him as Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder (ICD-10).
I have to say the above were a breath of fresh air and really understanding compare to what we had to deal with in the past. I study so much about asperger's and I felt my son met the criteria what is the difference or is there a difference.
Thanks again, happy xmas to all, and happy new year
A mother/person looking for understanding!
As far as I can tell, not even all the experts agree on how to draw the line between the different categories of ASD's, although I know we have some members who will be able to accurately quote out the "official" diagnostic criteria for you.
My personal opinion is that if you have the label that will get your son the services and accommodations he needs, then all is good. Personally, I think that once we know as parents that we have a child "somewhere" on the spectrum, we've got the key we need to work with.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
do you mean what is the difference between aspergers and hfa, or between aspergers and "Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder (ICD-10)"?
in my experience, schools/govt agencies often just give the generic pervasive developmental disorder diagnosis, which is the "Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder (ICD-10)" official diagnosis you got. the ICD-10 and the DSM-IV that we use here in the states both list the overall ASD category, then break it down into similar subcategories (aspergers, classic/childhood, retts, atypical/pdd-nos, etc). so there isnt a difference per se between aspergers and childhood asd, aspergers is just one of the subcategories in childhood asd.
as for aspergers and hfa, there are very distinct differences. hfa is part of classic autism, which has an additional category of impairment that aspergers doesnt have. also, classic autism may (but does not have to) have deficits in self care skills, cognitive development, and language development, but to be aspergers one can NOT have deficits in these areas.
i think one of the big reasons there are issues with differentiating between aspergers and classic autism is that the extra category that classic has deals with communication, yet there are very often communication issues for those diagnosed aspergers. the diagnostic criteria itself contradicts what is commonly held as being aspergers. being a "little professor" or monologues about special interests can be a manifestation of the communication criteria required for classic autism, but they are very common traits in those diagnosed instead with aspergers.
there is also a bias present in a lot of diagnosticians, parents, professionals, and even in some autistics. aspergers is often seen as "better" or more positive than classic autism. i personally feel the most common cause of diagnosis bias is cognitive development. many people are hesitant to dx someone with a high iq as having classic autism. from what ive seen, its more common that those with high iq are diagnosed aspergers, regardless of the other diagnostic criteria that may be present.
soon the DSM will completely change how asd is classified, and i think that will be a very positive change. less confusion, more solidarity, when its all just autism.
Neurotypically confused.
partner to: D - 40 yrs med dx classic autism
mother to 3 sons:
K - 6 yrs med/school dx classic autism
C - 8 yrs NT
N - 15 yrs school dx AS