How to make chlorine gas....that's why I'm so adamant that she asks first. My mother just said no to any and all experiments, so of course I did them anyway. Well, I tried to be safe. I just had to find out what happened when you mix bleach and ammonia. At least I did it outside. Not a good idea anyway. One little whiff....It burnsssssss.
Ex#2 made an unauthorized skylight with one of his experiments. Nitroglycerine is probably not something you want to make in the garage.
Anything beyond simple electronics and explosives (vinegar & baking soda) I'm going to let her genius father handle.
Got to love a kid who knows the meaning of the word "hypothesis" at the age of five. Somewhere around here I have a book called "Kid Concoctions" or something like that.
Aspie 176/200 NT 34/200 Very likely an Aspie
AQ 41
Not diagnosed, but the shoe fits
10 yo dd on the spectrum