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Blue Jay
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25 Dec 2011, 9:38 pm

Merry Christmas to everyone!

I was wondering if anyone else has a little one that just doesn't get too crazy about Christmas? I remember when I was a kid, I'm nt and would go crazy getting excited about Christmas. My little dude just is kinda like meh about it. Like last night he just wasn't as excited as I remember being.

I think a lot of it is that he looks at the whole Santa thing from a different angle, I think he believes that there is a Santa, but he says that it is magic and that Santa read his mind and got him what he wanted (he refused to go see Santa at the mall and I did not force him to go). When he woke up this morning he did not go nuts, came out looked at all the presents and then played his wii that he has had for years!! I was like hey dude are we gonna open these?

He has always been a slow unwrapper of gifts and gets excited when its something good! But he just never has gone over crazy like most "typical" 6 year olds. He is very calm, opens slowly, makes sure ALL the paper and tape is off.

Don't get me wrong, he was a joy, I had to go to work at 3 and he stayed at his Grandma's house. Just wondering if anyother Aspies are like this or if I am just lucky with a laid back dude?

Blue Jay
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25 Dec 2011, 9:41 pm

--- Also, he did get a few gifts that were not his cup of tea, like a Spiderman pretend shaving kit. "He was like um, why did Santa get this for me? I don't like Spiderman, only Star Wars", gotta love the brutal honesty.


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26 Dec 2011, 6:27 am

My children are the same, they don't know what all the fuss is about. I had to tell my son santa wasn't real as he was going into post primary and was convinced he was real. He was very upset and keeps telling me that I ruined xmas.

My daughter thinks everyone is crazy rushes around buying loads of food and she feels its all for nothing as it feels like any other day. But she does like getting presents.

A mother/person looking for understanding!


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26 Dec 2011, 10:43 am

KB likes Christmas, just not the same way NT kids do. She was precious the first time she met Santa at an office Christmas party, then when Santa paid a personal visit to her house in an antique firetruck she was ecstatic. This was when she was five. Once she discovered Santa has a whole lot of help the whole wrapping thing isn't her deal. We'll unwrap presents a few at a time over days rather than in one big batch. It doesn't bother me at all to make our own traditions.

Aspie 176/200 NT 34/200 Very likely an Aspie
AQ 41
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10 yo dd on the spectrum


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26 Dec 2011, 12:17 pm

My 6 year old has been terrified of Santa since his first time seeing him at 10 months. Every year a picture of him screaming or running from Santa. Until last year, when he was 5, he stood there in line, pale, hand in mind sweating. He'd sit down in line and do his deep breathing excercises, I'd ask if he needed to leave? "No, gotta stay, I need to tell santa what I want." but it was torture for him to do it, but last year when he did he felt so good about himself after he accomplished it. I seriously thought he was going to pass out waiting though, then the ran to santas lap smiled, click with the picture, and then he ran to me and said "Okay that's done."

This year he did better, standing in line he would say "I'm getting nervous." but not nearly as bad as last year. he actually talked to santa for a few sentences before he jumped off his lap and came to me.

When he was 2 and santa came near him he actually froze like a rabbit does when it's been trapped, moved nothing but his eyes until we were away from santa.

He likes the idea of getting presents, but when it comes to it, he opens and then set's them aside and goes right back to his wii that he's also had for two years. What I've found with my son is that he is so in need of consistency, predictability and no changes that it takes him a long time to warm up to new toys, he hangs on to the comfortable and familiar.

My son also loves halloween so much that he sometimes is 'angry' at x-mas for 'taking halloween away'.

Looks like I'm most likely and Aspie myself, must be why I can understand my beautiful Aspie son so well.
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26 Dec 2011, 1:51 pm

My AS son has always enjoyed being laid back with his gifts and, honestly, I very much like it that way. He checks out each gift as he gets it, really appreciating what he has just been given. We actually have to move him along sometimes, as the next person gets eager to see their gift opened, too ;)

That was funny about Santa and Spiderman.

We've always only had one gift per child marked from Santa, with the rest marked by who they are from. When they were little I felt it made Santa look more fair, since Santa most certainly would never favor rich kids with more gifts and more expensive items than poor kids, and it allowed all of us to have a share in the giving fun, too. While the kids no longer believe in a physical Santa, they still enjoy getting their special Santa presents (always wrapped in special paper that the kids can't find anywhere in this house - that one last magic trick to the gift giving process).

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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26 Dec 2011, 2:40 pm

I was laid back when I was little but as I got older, I got more and more excited and couldn't wait till that day. I would look at my presents and try and peek inside them and shake them to see what it is. Then on that day I would rip them open and look at the gift at a quick glance and go to the next one. I have even learned in my teens I needed to slow down because what is in the box isn't always the item that is displayed on the box. My mom would sometimes use boxes they bought stuff in and use it to put gifts in and wrap it. I would also play with my new gifts and I have always been that way as long as I can remember.


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26 Dec 2011, 2:51 pm

My parents complained that my brothers and I would unwrap gifts and set them aside, then spend hours playing with the boxes.

Aspie 176/200 NT 34/200 Very likely an Aspie
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Not diagnosed, but the shoe fits
10 yo dd on the spectrum

Tufted Titmouse
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26 Dec 2011, 8:11 pm

My mom always seems to kill my Christmas spirit.She always has to be the host of every dinner. So, that means I have to be the host as well. I hate almost all of my relatives, because they are never in a good mood.
I have to smile and shake their hand, and say "hi". I hate it!