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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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Joined: 11 Jan 2012
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12 Jan 2012, 3:29 pm

The big question that's been slowly and secretly building in my mind since I was told I had AS, is she AS too?

She's 2, was 2 on 22nd dec 2011 and she's quite an intelligent little girl but she has a lot of behaviours and routines and obsessions that I wonder if they are AS or not, I realise 2 is too young to tell but I'm interested in the little list I've made but more interesting is in the back of my mind, somewhere deep down and dark and secret, my Mummy instinct is telling me that she most likely has Aspergers, I don't mind and I won't treat her very much differently but I believe after my own childhood of confusion and lack of understanding and fear that knowledge is so much better!

Here's some 'Lilyisms' out of my mental list:

Quite impressive language, very vocal now: "man come to fix boiler now" always focusing on the word now at the end, this was a few months after the plumber had been out to the boiler

Counts to 7 (probably normal)

Completely melts down if I even move her main baby dolls legs in any position other than completely straight

Has to have baby everywhere or cries for hours (does NOT forget)

When she sits in her car seat she has tro have baby, 't shirt', blanket over her legs and if there's another blanket that has to go on too, the other day I gave her all the toys in the back seat because she was being so tantrumy I just wanted her to shhh tbh and when she dropped one she screamed and cried, baring in mind these aren't toys she is usually interested in.

Lines toys up, did a sticking picture and lined up all the pieces of paper and stuck them down

We had her checked when she was a baby because we thought she was deaf as she didn't respond to us calling her or some noises

Went off and left us today when we looked at her new nursery, she disappeard and played with the toys and didn't want to go, she wasn't bothered where we were or if we were still there, the other children didn't bother her, in fact I don't think she even noticed them, we were there for about 40 mins and in that time she'd gone off, made a picture, checked out all the rooms.

Certain shops where I get sensory overload she also struggles

The list goes on and on and is mainly obsessions/rituals/routines/strictness to things. We have a Paediatrician appt next week to talk about the possibility.

For parents out there with Aspie children what behaviours if any did your child/ren show at 2 years?

Your Aspie score: 195 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 2 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie

Got kids? Got kids in car seats? Turning them forward facing? Read this first:


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Joined: 26 Jul 2010
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12 Jan 2012, 6:20 pm

There are a number of posts on this board about people having their children diagnosed at around two years, so you aren't alone. If you've got genetics you know about, and specific issues that concern you, I think it's worth looking into.