Eureka-C wrote:
I was reading your blog on cleaning. I think that I will use this tact with my son next time. I think I have been providing too many details so as to not miss a step. I need to focus on the big, important steps.
On a second note, my AS son collects odd bits, toys, things he wants and carries them off to his room. I have tried to provide boxes, treasure chests, containers, shelves et cetera for these things he has. He does fine cleaning his room and putting away the things which have places (such as the dinosaur drawer, and the lego box, but has no idea what to do with the things with no defined place. I have tried to get him to "pick a place for them." or "make a place for them." or "just put them someplace." Inevitably, they end up in a pile in the corner or under the bed or the back of the closet. He can't seem to think of a way to organize his things himself. Do you have this problem? What do you do about it?
I DO have this problem! It's extremely frustrating. A lot of my own stuff doesn't really have a place. I can't seem to make a place for it, either. So my husband helps me. We talk about it. I think about it. Then I can make a decision. My decision is based on what the collection of items is, what it's used for, etc. It's not a perfect system by any means, but having someone talk it through with me helps. And I need reminders. Sometimes labels are good.
another thing I do is get rid of stuff. If I have too much stuff and can't find a place, I just get rid of it. If I don't use it anymore, if it's broken, if it's just not of interest, it goes. I do this with my kids toys, too, but only every 3 mos or so, and never when they're home. I get rid of *only* the items that are broken or they don't play with. I end up with at least 1 trash bag full of broken toys and garbage and they NEVER miss it. I have to be very aware of what I'm getting rid of, though. I never get rid of things while they're home and I never get rid of toys I've seen them play with within the last month or so.