apparently there are only 13,000 people living there, and the unemployment rate is about 4%. Moving back would be nearly impossible as it will cost everything I have saved up just to move. I did a huge state to state move before and it cost me 10,000. This will be the same because I'm older now and will need to hire help. The more I think about it, the more I think I should spend the money of getting reeducated for a different career, say at another trade school or on line. Court reporting has continually let me down over the past 20 years. Maybe this is a sign I should just get out once and for all. But then, if they offer me the job, now is the time to move, before the savings I have get used up and taking a job out of state, anywhere, is out of the question. I wish life didn't have to be wrought with so huge many decisions.