Its new copy write laws in the US. Even if you purchase the song from iTunes, if they are popular songs they will not be shown in the US because the record label wants you to pay to hear their song which is inane because you can watch the artists videos online on youtube, for free and thats ok, what is the difference?....basically they are hoping people will pay a few thousand dollars for a copy write....good luck on that one.
Any other country could have seen my first video but the US....I used "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" by Roberta Flack and Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton....I think they have a list of certain songs that have been higher on the charts and block them.
When I wrote to youtube I got a very nasty, grouch letter back telling me that just because I purchased the song on iTunes that it did not belong to me and if I wanted to use it I would have to shell out thousands of first I was kind of upset but then I realized, and my husband reminded me, its not youtube that is doing this and this could potentially hurt them which is probably why they are pissy, plus they have probably gotten a lot of emails. I wrote back and told them I was sorry about it. They sent me to this site that I could find music....half the people on there could not sing so I asked my friend Ruby and the first song I used I found on youtube on someone elses video....I figured if they could use it, I would be ok using it.
Thank you again everyone for your kind words. I did not get to attend my sons memorial because it was in California and I am in France and I am very ill and would not be able to handle the flight....its why I make the videos, it helps me. Im off to the special hospital tomorrow night for two weeks.....I am very stressed, scared, worried about my kids. I got them little presents for every day and I made Maddy a social story on her special social story iPad app.....Im still scared. Ive never been to this hospital. At least the other hospital Ive been there several times so its more comfortable to me. Also the hospital here in town is only a few blocks from my house, this hospital is in Lyon and I will be about 30 minutes away from my babies
Does anyone think I should post this on the Bi Polar and other Mental health issues part of the board?