I've been thinking nonstop about all of the information I am gleaning from this site. At both ends of the spectrum, from the dad above and then a young adult, my head is swimming. My son definitely does better when he has an "out." I have decided that I am going to IM him, as we talk a lot that way, and I am just gonna come out and say the things I am thinking and feeling, in small doses. I will support him 100% in whatever he chooses. I will, however, point out that I believe his life will be much more "manageable" with some guidance from a professional. I will also invite him to purchase some books, etc.
Thankfully, my sister, after talking together on the phone for quite a while yesterday, said to me, after my voicing the deep sense of guilt I have right now, that because I am the person I am, I somehow managed accidentally to keep my son in a protected world where I raised him in a zone that helped him thrive. Instinctively, when invited to chaos, I would simply decline and just say that was not something he would enjoy. Of course, I think, did I hinder or help? I just don't know.
Anyway, I thank everyone for all of their insight. I have always believed in baby steps instead of giant leaps, and I'm going to take this one little step at a time until my puzzle is complete.