Washi wrote:
Mummy_of_Peanut wrote:
I could ask her 50 times, in 50 different ways, to put her clothes on, would play games, have rewards, etc. But, in the end, I'd usually end up dressing her myself, if I could catch her and she didn't pull the clothes off afterwards.
Gah, my son is doing this now. He takes his pants off and will not let me put them back on and won't try to put them on himself (he knows how, sort of - after a LOT of badgering I've got him to put them on himself once or twice). I face this battle every time he uses the potty at home. It makes it so hard to get out of the house. It really rubs me the the wrong way when people try to reassure me by telling me his behavior is "normal".
I have to share this,,,,I totally get it, with a 20 yr old aspie daughter,,,but your discription of your son reminded me of my master four...who currently has an obsession of running around naked...usually I can get him dressed, but after he has been to the toilet,,,its freeballing time apparently....Untill one day, nanny got so sick of seeing naked boy bits...she said if you dont put your dingletwang away, I will chop it off......now being male...his bits are vitally important to him...and now hes got pants on pmsl....
he is NT though,,,so my rant is of no use to anyone but a giggle..