cubedemon6073 wrote:
OliveOilMom wrote:
He's already got a brand. Skoal Longcut regular. He smokes cigarettes, when he's not at school, and like me and my husband he smokes Marlboro Red. He used to date a girl who smoked Capri Menthol Light 120s. Now that was a strange cigarette for real. My oldest daughter smokes too, and my youngest doesn't really, only socially, sometimes. I've told her like I told all them, never start, it's expensive and you'll kill for it if need be.
It costs about $25 per carton. If you smoke a carton per week and there are 52 weeks in a year then you will spend around $1300.00 per year.
LOL, in my state for Marlboros it's like $80 a carton or so. Most expensive are Newports in the high 90s per carton. 4000ish a year here. Yikes. If I smoked, I'd likely smoke unfiltered, though, I've tried filtereds and unfiltereds and unfiltered are light years better. Or maybe a pipe. I've met this dude before in New Hampshire (really cool guy, actually) and his pipes are really neat.