Hi, guys, I'm doing a survey intended to be filled out by parents of autism spectrum kids - any functioning level, though it's more intended for HFA. (For those of you who are on the spectrum, don't fill this out about yourselves. Self-report and informant report involve different cognitive processes, and I'm specifically looking for informant report.)
It's commonly said that autistic kids lack empathy. But there are different kinds of empathy - the ability to figure out how someone else is feeling, and the emotional reaction you have to your perception of the other person's emotions. Most studies into 'empathy' in autism have only examined ability to figure out how someone else is feeling, and not the emotional reactions the person has when they do figure it out. Of the studies that have examined this area of empathy, some have asked AS people to report on their own experiences, others have measured physiological reactions. No one has examined how parents perceive empathy in their autism spectrum kids.
In addition, I'm also interested in studying the relationship between the two types of empathy and certain behavioral/personality traits in autistic kids, as well as whether additional diagnoses (such as ADHD or ODD) influence the child's empathy pattern.
If you want to participate, click this link: