Mindsigh wrote:
It was for AllKids. I called them yesterday and was told that because I voluntarily dropped him from my insurance there would be a three month waiting period. And if I hadn't dropped him, he would've been ineligible because he was on my insurance! What if he gets hurt during those 3 months? Are we just S*** Out of Luck????
All it would take is one call to HR to get him back on my insurance but then the waiting period would start over.
I think if he needed medical care during those three months, that they would automatically file Medicaid retroactively and they would pay until he got on AllKids. Talking to the people at the health department where they handle all that is a pain, but if you keep calling maybe you can get some answers. Ask them if they have any program at the health department for him or through Children's if he needs emergency care. I'm sure they do. If they don't know of anything at the health dept, call Children's and talk to someone in their social services dept. Thats not what it sounds, it's not like DHR, it's to help pay for stuff and set stuff up for patients who can't afford to pay.
Double check your income though and your rejection letter from AllKids. We were rejected from it once because the girl added wrong. She added an extra 0 on DH's income! It took a while to get that straightened out, but they do go ahead and treat a kid and then file retroactively and they usually pay. If not, they tend to write it off.
Who is your regular ped? I used to work in the nursery at Brookwood and also the Neonatology billing office there, and I remember there were a couple of local peds who made payment arrangements when need be. Dell Ware, if she's still in practice is good and used to do that all the time for people. Darryl Dawkins did too. Also, surprisingly Greenvale Peds used to do that. You might want to call around, or talk to your regular ped and see what they can do until you get the insurance. Lots of places have a sliding scale based on the income.
An adult will get turned away from a Dr's office almost every time with no insurance or money but nobody turns away kids. You don't even have to use Children's ER like a regular dr office like lots of adults have to do with other ER's for themselves. Trust me, he will get care, and they won't come after you with torches and pitchforks to drag you off to debtors prison afterwards. They work with folks.
Also, theres a good chance he won't get hurt or sick. Call around and find out contingency plans in case he does, but go with the attitude that he won't need medical care.
BTW, I'm still waiting on my friend to get back to me about the keeping kids. They must be out of town on vacation. I havn't forgotten that, I promise. I'll let you know as soon as I know something.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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