Go to the internet and type in "Aspergers Support Group in________" Which would be your area. I was surprised to find how many were in my friends area. Then you'll have parents who can help you as well as Aspies themselves....WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT. Also, if you are from the U.S.A by law your child must be accommodated in his school, or transferred (with district funding ) to a school that can help him. Get an I.E.P ASAP.If he's not in school the district should have a program to prepare him for kindergarten. I work in such a program through San Diego City School. My class are aged 3-5, yeah intervention needs to start early. Also there is a book out from Sacramento CA, called "Special Education Rights and Responsibilities". You are in for an uphill battle with the schools re: your child. They may say stuff like "he can only stay half a day, or we are not suspending him, just sending him home", both are ILLEGAL. If he can't stay in school then they have to suspend him, 10 suspension , then they are forced to set up a special program to help him be successful in school. STUPID.......he needs to have that program BEFORE he gets into trouble. Do not accept "we don't have the funding" that is not your problem, if you fight them they will find it. But that book is vital, EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATE yourself on what your childs rights are. And I think the aspie support group can give you better info than I can. Good Luck.