Well, it's not a book, per se, but the Superflex Curriculum includes Rock Brain who's power is to make people very rigid and rule bound. I suggest starting with the Social Detective book first because it is easy and teaches the main concepts to your kid, then you can move into the curriculum, which has a comic book that goes with it, but actually has activities for you to use. Rock Brain deals with getting stuck and rigid, DOF (Destroyer of Fun) is about becoming super competitive so that games are no longer fun, Space Invader is about getting too close to others, etc. Michelle's work has a way of making abstract things easier for the kids to understand. Your son might be on the older end of the age range, although my son is about to start 6th grade and is a bit immature and would still follow along if I asked him to.
Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage