I have read about people adopting children from orphanages where the kids were severely neglected. These children are solely fed food of a mushy consistency, were left to lie in their cribs for HOURS on end each day, changed maybe 2 or 3 times a day MAX, and not given any opportunities for socializations or communication etc, until they are adopted out to families. Some of these children are verbal, but many are not. They also supposedly (around 2 to 4 years of age) are still in diapers, only eat bland, tasteless food of a watery consistency, have minimal eye contact and plenty of self-stimulatory (probably developed to amuse themselves, while they lie in their cribs, as a 2 or 3 yr old and unable to explore their surroundings).
HOWEVER, what made my jaw drop was the anecdotal evidence that these kids, at adoption and with intervention, do eventually catch up to some extent in the areas of language & cognition, because their delays had been introduced by neglect, and not by any biological or cognitive factors. Supposedly, they have behavioral and social problems that continue to present themselves, but the language & cognition are frequently noted to "clear up".
I would like to hear your opinions on such situations. Is this likely that autism or developmental delays caused by neglect can & do resolve positively with adequate and aggressive intervention, even at a later stage than we normally give credit for ?
I ask because I thought autism was a neurological disorder, but these orphanage cases point to the fact that there may actually be an environmental component to it ? Your thoughts, please ? Thank you !
Last edited by HisMom on 13 Oct 2012, 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.