Eureka-C wrote:
What kind of music? How does he get the music? Does he like anything related to music? Will he only listen or will he watch a show/concert with music he likes? Does he move with the music?
He loves classical music - Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach etc. The strange thing is that he will not play at our keyboard - he bangs on it and realizes that it does make music, but then loses interest in it within 2 minutes of banging, He cries when we attempt to make him sit longer. He watches a lot of YouTube music videos and previously did move with the music, but not anymore. He also does not tolerate concerts and it appears that he only likes to watch classical music videos on TV or on YouTube.
Eureka-C wrote:
Does he only eat the candy? Does he sort the candy? Does he like candy boxes/wrappers? Does he like info about candy?
Unfortunately, all he likes to do are eat the candy and that is it. I tried to use candies to teach him matching games but it is no avail. He just grabs them, puts them in his mouth and walks away.
I am at my wits' ends. He got some great toy presents for his birthday that I would love for him to play with. My real concern is that he does not seem to want to explore his environment - do you have any ideas to help him get curious about things ?