Interesting alternative to Ritalin?
Hi guys, had these links sent to me, just thought I would share them if anyone is interested:
"Etherium Gold promotes mental clarity, improves focus & concentration. It has been clinically proven to balance the two hemispheres of the brain and increase alpha brain-wave production. It is generally accepted in neurosciences that this condition improves learning ability, increases creativity and reduces stress and hyperactivity."
Etherium Gold
"Etherium Gold is now at the centre of research regarding learning and behavior disorders in children. These graphics below show electrical impulses of the brain before and after ingesting Etherium Gold. Notice the ‘calmer’ graphs on the right and the balancing of the red and blue. Etherium Gold has been found to work as soon as it bonds with the saliva in the mouth. So before you sit an exam or need to concentrate for extended periods, take a small amount of this incredible substance. Tests were carried out by The Alpha Learning Institute on a sophisticated 2-channel electro-encephalograph (EEG) that measures brain wave activity."
Etherium Gold
You will notice you will not get a lot of responses to posts regarding alternative therapies/medications on this autism/parenting forum. I have no idea why the parents on here are not more interested in this type of information, but they're not.
From a Mom who has used almost all alternative therapies/medications/supplements and nutrition to recover son from PDD-NOS, SPD and Mood Disorder-NOS.
A lot of us are Aspie/Aspieish and are adverse to trying things with no scientific evidence behind it. Also, wherever there are parents who are desperate for help, there are scams to capitalize on that. Lots of us are cautious for that reason.
(Not trying to start a flame war ---just answering the above post. I am not commenting on the efficacy (or lack of efficacy) of any particular alternative treatment, although I am extremely cynical about them as evidenced above.)
(Not trying to start a flame war ---just answering the above post. I am not commenting on the efficacy (or lack of efficacy) of any particular alternative treatment, although I am extremely cynical about them as evidenced above.)
I understand. I have always taken the approach with my son when trying alternatives that if there is no toxic amount and/or there is scietific evidence (I use and other peer reviewed published research information) and/or others have had success with it, we will try it.
I realized early on that the docs can't help me, all they wanted to do was pump him full of meds, and I didn't want to get on to that rollercoaster. I allowed one prescription psychiatric medication and only because he was suicidal and violent.
Thank you for making that point! I do find it disappointing that there is not more information sharing on alternatives.
I wish that somehow the playing field could be leveled between alternative therapies and Big Pharma. Some alternatives may be very effective but due to the tremendously high cost of getting things through FDA trials, it is impossible to bring them to market as an FDA approved product or to even conduct the type of large sample double-blind testing that would prove efficacy. Unless Big Pharma can ultimately sell a product for big bucks, no investment of this nature will ever be made. Even when something has been through FDA approval, I recently learned, we cannot count on the published results being accurate due to publication bias:
I guess I'm just as cynical about the medical establishment, Big Pharma in particular, as others might be about alternative medicine
While I am more inclined now to try alternative therapies than I was 2 or 3 years ago, these internet come-ons still make me wary. We see a naturopathic doctor who I trust to steer us in the right direction when it comes to the safe use of supplements and alternative treatments.
I logged my Ritalin experience there. Only 5 days on it.
Right now I'm getting more functionality from doing these things.
Multivitamin, even a cheap crappy one a day one in the morning. 2000mg fish oil morning and night time. B Vitamin pill in morning, 1000mg Vitamin C in the morning, 2 ginseng pills, small amount of coffee. If you're worried about coffee stunting your kids growth, worry like hell about Ritalin stunting it. At night I take Vitamin E and 2000mg (sometimes more if I have joint pains from working out) fish oil, and a natural sleeping pill containing Valerian, Chamomile, and Melatonin. Beware, melatonin can give uh, interesting dreams. The sleeping pill, I take it 2-3 hours before I'm likely to go to bed, so I've managed to go from going to bed at 3-4AM to going to bed before midnight and waking up at 7-9. So if you want your kid to go to bed at 8 or 9, give him the pill at 5 or 6. All it does is relax you, it doesn't make you drowsy. The ginseng, vitamin c, sleeping pill, and fish oil all can be bought at Dollar Tree for a dollar a bottle. These are adult doses, so you may wanna half them for a kid.
I've researched these kinda things a lot, BUT, I don't have ADHD, I have NVLD, and no research at all really has been done on NVLD medication. I'm quite a fan of "alternative" therapies. Ritalin though was just not great stuff at all. As a kid I functioned MUCH better, but my dad gave me vitamins, good ones at that. I'd have like 3-4/6 pills of an adult whole food vitamin, fish oil, papaya enzymes, all kinds of stuff, so as a kid I was fit and healthy. My father also cooked 90% of the food from scratch, and maybe 70% was organic? It sorta messed with my parent's marriage, as my mother didn't wanna eat that way, and my sister's didn't either, but the proof was in some ways in the pudding. My sister's both needed braces and I had perfectly straight teeth. Also, I went from being a perfectly normal weight to fat within a year of being under my mother's reign, because she'd feed us processed food.
Anyway, before going crazy with herbal supplements and whatever, think of what you're feeding your kids. If it's processed crap, and not homecooked stuff from scratch, then no matter what you give him supplementwise, it's not gonna help him.
Also, some medications you can look into that aren't herbal is piracetam, it's a nootropic medication. It's used a lot in Russia as people kinda blow their brains out by drinking a lot, and it gives them functionality. They're not stimulants, and they need to be taken with choline because they actually do on some level rebuild the brain. Piracetam encourages cross hemisphere communication in the brain, I've not tried it, but it looks interesting for NVLD. Supposedly it's got quite good success in treating learning disorders like dyslexia.
Ok, not really expecting a discussion, just read it if you are interested
My AS dd5 is not on anything so I dont really have an opinion on anything alternative or not. I dont know if in the future she will require any sort of medication but we will cross that bridge if we come to it!
I guess I'm just as cynical about the medical establishment, Big Pharma in particular, as others might be about alternative medicine

While I am more inclined now to try alternative therapies than I was 2 or 3 years ago, these internet come-ons still make me wary. We see a naturopathic doctor who I trust to steer us in the right direction when it comes to the safe use of supplements and alternative treatments.

I said nothing about it from a personal view, I do not sell it, I have not bought it, I have not tried it nor do I endorse it. Like I said, could be an interesting link if you are interested, if you are not interested then you wont find it interesting!
I have a daughter with AS and she is not on medication as yet, so I have no stand point on any medication alternative or otherwise. I simply pasted a link that may be of interest to others.

It is a discussion forum so don't be surprised if people discuss even when you are just posting something FYI. I can't speak for others but I certainly wasn't intending my comment as judging you in anyway for making that post, just saying what I think. I hope you don't feel judged or criticized for posting that info. Sometimes when we toss something out there we never know where it is going to go!