First, I am sorry. No child or parent should be subjected to such epic failure on the part of a teacher to act like a human being. I am horrified for you and your child.
I dealt with something similar. My daughter has AS, and is absolutely the kindest, most loving child in the world. She does have issues with being a bit hyper when there is a lot of noise and/or movement going on, and she does get easily distracted (to the point of walking into walls and tripping over her own feet). It's no surprise that gym class was a bit of a challenge for her, but she still enjoyed it. That is, except for the gym teacher, who was as much a bully as some of the kids. She told me that my daughter had shoved another child. The real story, per other kids in the class, was that my daughter (who is quite fiercely defensive of rules) got very vocal about a couple of kids not being in line as they were supposed to be. There was no shoving. Her classroom teacher even came to the meeting I requested. The gym teacher, on the other hand, was a no-show. I demanded another meeting and became quite unpopular. I did not care.
My son just turned 7. He is diagnosed with autism and a speech disorder, since age 2. He struggles with speech, especially when upset or stressed. His diagnosis is expressive/receptive speech disorder. It is similar in ways to apraxia, but not exactly the same. I think your story hits me especially hard because our boys are close in age and have similar issues, and situations like this are precisely what worried me most. He deserves better, and you deserve better. That woman should be reprimanded. It makes me sick. It makes me want to cry.
I homeschool now. I realize that not everyone can, and I'm grateful I have the chance to. Both of my children love it. Is this something that could work for you? K12 is AMAZING. Both of my kids are 1-2 years ahead of their peers, and there are lots of opportunities to do various school-related outings.
Anyway, I digress. Please, contact the school district about that woman. Her behavior is disgusting and entirely unacceptable. Let your kiddo know that it is the teacher who has the problem, not him. CC *everything* you send. If you send a letter to the teacher, CC it to the principal and the director of the school board. Make sure the CC is obvious! Let them know you're not effing around. Seriously. Kids being treated horribly irks me like nothing else.
Check back in and let us know how it goes? Sending good thoughts!
Curiosity is not a mental illness.
Homeschooling Aspie mom of 2 kiddos on the Spectrum.