Looks like I may have two Aspies on my hands!

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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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10 Feb 2013, 3:46 pm

My almost 4 year old just got assessed last week through the school system. It's the second round. I had to request ASD testing since they had previously ignored everything I said about sensory issues and social problems and only tested her for cognitive delays. Anyway, the psychologist spoke with me briefly afterward and said that while she still needs to score the tests, she didn't see any reason why my daughter would not be getting services.

I've had such trouble with them doing the testing, I expected them to say that she didn't qualify. It's crazy the mix of emotions you get with news like this. I'm so happy she is going to get the help she needs at school, but there's still that part of me that wanted them to say, "naw, lady, you are crazy."

They noticed issues with her speech patterns and tip toe walking... which I wasn't sure they'd pick up on without me pointing it out. I'm glad someone is finally looking at the whole picture.

That being said, I'm feeling so overwhelmed with the idea of two kids on the spectrum. They are SO DIFFERENT in so many ways. It's felt hard enough figuring everything out for my son.... I guess all parents face that.

Anyway, just writing it down and venting a little.


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10 Feb 2013, 5:47 pm

I've got two. My son (older) was diagnosed later than my daughter (obviously younger).

I just wanted to say I think your feelings are "normal" whatever that means in these circumstances.

I also wanted to say that in some respects I think it is easier to have two atypical kids instead of one NT and one ASD. Both of my kids struggle (in very different areas, but they both struggle) and I think this is "easier" than having one kid who seems to "breeze through" things while the other struggles. I also think it is easier because I have friends who have 1 ASD and 1 not and they say they always feel like they are neglecting the "not ASD" kid to meet the needs of the ASD kid. I don't have that problem because both kids have needs that need to be attended to.

I don't know if this is making you feel better or not, but that's what my intention was.

Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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10 Feb 2013, 8:43 pm

It does make me feel better. Thank you!

I had not thought about the pros and cons to having two atypical kids in the way you describe. I like that. The thing is, I know both of my kids are going to be fine in the long run. They are both smart, funny and likeable. They are both really quirky in fun ways. And, as I have to constantly remind myself, I opted to hang out with kids just like them when I was little....... :)