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What do you all think of my answers???
What five adjectives describe you best?
I am a deep-thinking person who is optimistic yet realistic. I am a concrete thinking person who loves to come up with practical solutions. In addition, I just love to think through how I can make things better for those around me.
Why should I consider you for this position?
My desire is to make things better for everyone. Your organization matches values that I have and I believe with my optimisim, my deep thinking, realism and concrete thinking I believe I can bring benefit and value to your organization?
Why are you the best candidate for this position?
I actually care about the work I do and I would care about the organization and the people in it. This is why no one would work harder than I would to bring benefit and value to your organization.
Tell me about the one thing in your life you're proudest of.
My proudest thing in my life is when I fixed my mother's desktop. I was able to teach myself how to remove a virus off of my mother's computer manually. I had to delete entries from the windows registry. After that, I had to stop the program from running and then I had to delete the the directory the program was contained in. Her computer worked fine afterwards.
You've changed jobs frequently. What makes you think that this position will be different?
I believe my values, my attitude and my skillset will offer growth not just to me but to you as well. This position seems like it will be the best fit out of all of the other positions I have ever had.
What qualities do you think are necessary to make a success of this job?
I believe one has to be an excellent problem-solver. Ever greater than being a problem solver, one has to be humble as well. I believe humility is the best quality of all.
I would use this answer from the other thread.
Here is an example. My mother will give suggestions that will seem dumb. I have to coconsciously push my not so nice thoughts out of my head and consider her position and her background. She is your average user and for a lot of her life she did not have a computer. I have had one since 3rd grade even if it only had MS-DOS. One time she gave a suggestion that seemed dumb and would not seem to work because I had more knowledge of computers then she did and it would not make sense based upon the knowledge I had. I decided to try something that was off the wall. I decided to try to implement her suggestion. The problem was fixed.
Her solution was so simple that it was brilliant. Sometimes the user with their lack of knowledge of something may actually be a benefit to you. The benefit is that their ideas on how to solve the problem is not constrained by the expert knowledge I may have. Next time I have to repair my mother's computer I will have her in the room next to me as my advisor because she does not have much knowledge about computer. Because of her lack of knowledge, she will suggest things to me that may seem wacky and I would not have thought of it myself because my knowledge base tells me this can't be so. I would need someone who knows little because they are able to think outside of my box.
Describe your ideal job.
My ideal job is to be able come up with solutions to problems and working with others in a team to come up with the best solution for the organization as a whole.
How did you find out about this job?
I typed keywords such as software developer and application developer into google and your posting showed up.
Is there anything that will prevent you from getting to work on time?
If there was a severe snow storm and this made visibility horrible and the roads slick I would not risk my life or limb. I want to be able to live another day to bring solutions and work with others in a team to bring value to the organization. Other than that my goal would be to have my vehicle parked in your parking lot a half hour early. If I am the first one there and able to get in I will make the coffee for everyone.
Is there anything that will prevent you from working the job’s regular hours?
The only thing that would prevent me from working the job's regular hours would be emergency situations like if I was sick or one of my other family members were sick. Other than that, I will be there every day a half hour early, eager, willing and ready to get down to business.
What kinds of work interest you the most?
The kind of work that interests me is work that I can solve problems and implement practical solutions while benefitting others including organizations.
What interests you most about this position?
This position will allow me to solve problems and implement practical solution to benefit your organization.
Overall, excellent! I've offered some tweaks (I hope others will, too as I am only one opinion.)
I am a deep-thinking person who is optimistic yet realistic. I am a concrete thinking person who loves to come up with practical solutions. In addition, I just love to think through how I can make things better for those around me.
My desire is to make things better for everyone. Your organization matches values that I have and I believe with my optimisim, my deep thinking, realism and concrete thinking I believe I can bring benefit and value to your organization?
(Of course, you would make that a statement and not a question, right?) You may want to list the values you and the organization have in common - show you researched them.
I actually care about the work I do and I would care about the organization and the people in it. This is why no one would work harder than I would to bring benefit and value to your organization.
This is great, but keep in mind that it may sound like BS to someone NT. I have a feeling that you probably come off this earnest in person and the phrasing then would be taken at face value, but I would try to find another way to say "benefit and value to your organization" as it sounds a little cut-and-paste-from-an-answer-book. I think this is a place to talk about how you like to solve problems - you might want to frame it as liking to solve problems because you enjoy puzzles.
My proudest thing in my life is when I fixed my mother's desktop. I was able to teach myself how to remove a virus off of my mother's computer manually. I had to delete entries from the windows registry. After that, I had to stop the program from running and then I had to delete the the directory the program was contained in. Her computer worked fine afterwards.
Perfect. One tweak: start with "My proudest thing in my life is when I taught myself to fix my mother's desktop" Teach yourself is the phrase that shows the biggest asset you have to a company - it shows you don't need babysitting to learn something.
I believe my values, my attitude and my skillset will offer growth not just to me but to you as well. This position seems like it will be the best fit out of all of the other positions I have ever had.
If you've changed jobs a lot, they are going to want more detail. Here's a good article on that question: ... job-0.html
I believe one has to be an excellent problem-solver. Ever greater than being a problem solver, one has to be humble as well. I believe humility is the best quality of all.
I would use this answer from the other thread.
Here is an example. My mother will give suggestions that will seem dumb. I have to coconsciously push my not so nice thoughts out of my head and consider her position and her background. She is your average user and for a lot of her life she did not have a computer. I have had one since 3rd grade even if it only had MS-DOS. One time she gave a suggestion that seemed dumb and would not seem to work because I had more knowledge of computers then she did and it would not make sense based upon the knowledge I had. I decided to try something that was off the wall. I decided to try to implement her suggestion. The problem was fixed.
Her solution was so simple that it was brilliant. Sometimes the user with their lack of knowledge of something may actually be a benefit to you. The benefit is that their ideas on how to solve the problem is not constrained by the expert knowledge I may have. Next time I have to repair my mother's computer I will have her in the room next to me as my advisor because she does not have much knowledge about computer. Because of her lack of knowledge, she will suggest things to me that may seem wacky and I would not have thought of it myself because my knowledge base tells me this can't be so. I would need someone who knows little because they are able to think outside of my box.
Good. You might try using the word "self-aware" instead of "humble," invoking humility sounds like humblebragging ... wanted=all
My ideal job is to be able come up with solutions to problems and working with others in a team to come up with the best solution for the organization as a whole.
I would add something about your particular skills, specific to the job you are seeking - meaning, frame the "solutions to problems" in terms of, say, computers.
I typed keywords such as software developer and application developer into google and your posting showed up.
This is a little more specific. They want something like "I was searching online for work as a software/application developer and your posting caught my eye because ____________________________________________________ (say something specific that appeals to you about the posting that sets it apart from other postings.)
If there was a severe snow storm and this made visibility horrible and the roads slick I would not risk my life or limb. I want to be able to live another day to bring solutions and work with others in a team to bring value to the organization. Other than that my goal would be to have my vehicle parked in your parking lot a half hour early. If I am the first one there and able to get in I will make the coffee for everyone.
Start with "My goal," and skip the initial explanation of the exceptions - they are assuming you won't risk life or limb in an emergency. Explain that you have a reliable car and a backup way to get to work if something goes wrong with it. I really like the part about getting there early and making coffee (it's a good idea anyway!)
The only thing that would prevent me from working the job's regular hours would be emergency situations like if I was sick or one of my other family members were sick. Other than that, I will be there every day a half hour early, eager, willing and ready to get down to business.
You don't need to be specific about the emergencies, just say something like "Barring an emergency or an act of God, I will be there every work day...(I like what you've got there)
The kind of work that interests me is work that I can solve problems and implement practical solutions while benefitting others including organizations.
(Spell-check! Doesn't matter here but it helps a lot there!) Be more specific - what kinds of problems do you have experience solving? What have you done in the past? How would you like to expand problem-solving in the future? How is this framed by the job you are applying for and your experience and current skills?
This position will allow me to solve problems and implement practical solution to benefit your organization.
Again, make your answer more specific to the job at hand - do your research. For instance, in a situation where you are the IT person for a company - you like the idea of solving problems so the office can run smoothly and focus on whatever work the office does. If you are building software, you need to frame this idea in terms of the problems the business is focused on
Nice work!
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