Recommendation for Clinician in the NYC/Long Island area?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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29 Mar 2013, 10:41 am


I am the mother of 6 year old twins who have manifested behavioral and social issues/delays for about three years. They have some of the hallmarks of Aspergers (difficulty with transitions, limited eye contact, some stimming behaviors, emotional outbursts because of a difficulty in coping with frustration or unmet expectations, social discomfort/awkwardness, and some difficulties with theory of mind [less around understanding that others think differently and more around becoming enraged that they do/insisting that it is not okay that they do]).

But they do not seem to fit into the strict lines drawn by the questions in the DSM. They do not have completely obsessive interests (although one does develop central interests that seem stronger than is fully typical for kids her age), they actively seek out personal and physical connections (typically with adults), they do not have a flat affect or flat voices, they are attuned to tone of voice and facial expression (sometimes to excess), and they engage in fantasy play.

There are days when it seems like they are just emotionally immature and need some time and guidance in growing up. Then there are other moments when something else seems to be at play. For example, at a student-led parent-teacher conference, one of them responded to the stress of sharing her work with us by actively avoiding eye contact, fidgeting constantly in her chair, and banging on her forehead repeatedly while saying "ow, ow."

We aren't totally sure how to move forward. We are currently working with a CSW on parenting techniques, but we wonder if there are also therapies for the girls that would be of use. We tried an evaluation at the NYU Child Study Center that was not useful (no diagnosis was either given or officially ruled out -- we were just referred to their one-size-fits-all parenting program). We aren't interested in a definite diagnosis so much as targeted guidance on which therapies (if any) might help.

We are, therefore, in search of a clinician or group with experience/expertise in cases that don't seem to fit neatly into any of the diagnostic boxes. But we are faced with the NYC issue of a wealth of resources and no clear direction on how to narrow things down.

Anyone have a good recommendation in NYC or on Long Island?


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03 Apr 2013, 5:22 pm

If I find anything out, I'll let you know. My daughter is going for her 9 year check up on Monday and I've requested a referral to get her evaluated.


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03 Apr 2013, 7:48 pm ... /index.cfm

totally different approaches, but both pleasant enough as people and well respected by people I've met.

Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage