Shellfish wrote:
Nope - As with ASDMommy, my son has a limited diet and if I were to try and eliminate gluten, he would read this as some form of punishment. Once he is older and we can discuss and decide as a family, I will happily help him.
Also, there doesn't seem to be any physical evidence (i.e. IBS etc) that his issues are affected by diet.
Oh, I had problems with IBS from when I was a child. However, back at that time (the "olden days", ha!)- people didn't know so much about IBS, gluten intolerance, etc., so if I complained that my stomach hurt, and I wasn't visibly ill, people tended not to take me seriously. I was very often told that my problems were probably due to stress.
oh, I guess I forgot to mention that as an adult I discovered I was a celiac. For awhile I stopped all dairy too- I think I had temporary lactose intolerance, which can happen with celiac disease. My gut has now healed, and I can tolerate some low-lactose dairy fine (as I mentioned in the post above). I also have an intolerance to soy, so I don't eat that either.
"death is the road to awe"