Here is an online screening tool that can be used from 6-24 months:
1. Not responding to her name when being called
This is the only one in your list I might be concerned about. Bring it up at her 12 month visit.
2. Only say two words "ChaCha", "Ma", and only use them a few times a day. She makes meaningless sounds like "Arrggg"
I believe this is within typical norms at 12 months. I found this online for 7-12 months speech milestones:
From: Babbling has both long and short groups of sounds such as "tata upup bibibibi"
Uses speech or noncrying sounds to get and keep attention
Uses gestures to communication (waving, holding arms to be picked up)
Imitates different speech sounds
Has one or two words (hi, dog,dada, mama) around first birthday, although sounds may not be clear
3. She is really active, non stop until she sleeps. When she hears music or sees cartoons on TV, she would in a sitting position jumps and flaps her arms sometimes for a few minutes (repetitive motion?)
A few minutes of flapping when she is excited is unlikely to count as repetitive motion. It's not just about having any particular red flag symptom, it's when there are multiple red flags that you need to worry. My NT daughter when through a brief phase of lining up toys, and then moved on.
4. She loves watching cartoons and jumps up and down when we turn on the TV. But she doesn't protest when we turn it off. She just accepts it.
This sounds normal. It's good that she's noticing her environment, and good that she can transition to another activity when you turn the TV off.