qotsafan77 wrote:
This has been true for us as well. My oldest son, an aspie rarely gets sick, but my youngest, an autie, who was nonverbal up until the past year has also just gotten to the point where he can be sick without being hospitalized. We used to have very little communication between us, and on New Year's Day of 05 he had a fever of 101. While we were at the hospital his eye contact was constant, and he made many verbal attempts, and he wouldn't let go of his dad's hand. It was so great, but I hated that he had to be sick to be that way. Very interesting.
I had read about this in several books. Kris, you should check out AutismResearchInstitute.com, they do a lot of research, and if you fill out their E-2 form, I believe that is actually something they ask about.
I've never been able to figure out why it happens, but it does with my 5yo. PenitentSpark has a really good theory. I bet it does have something to do with blood flow to the brain.
Ticker, that was interesting about Lyme disease and Autism, I never knew that.
Also, my 5yo and I also have lower than normal body temperatures- we actually are usually at 96 degrees. My other son and husband have higher than average temps. usually 99 degrees.
There's a website called LymeInducedAutism.com or maybe its .net or .org but you should check it out.
One way to test the theory is by artificially raising the body temp such as using a far infrared sauna and seeing if the person gains clarity after sweating it out in the sauna a bit. Just watch their electrolyte and water consumption because FIR sauna make you sweat buckets. BTW-Lyme spirochetes will die at a temp of 104F degs.
Here's another thought does your autie get abrupt behaviors if you jump into a super hot sun heated car? The heat which is always over 100F will mess with a lot of bacterias and viruses. Not suggesting though that you should leave an autie kid in the car because cars get super overheated.