YippySkippy wrote:
Someone also told me that we need to "hurry up" with his evaluation. It is the school that's doing the evaluation - they are essentially complaining about themselves to me. What am I expected to do about all of this?
I don't know how it works in other systems, but our experience with this in elementary school was that the school sent us a packet and we were to contact the developmental neurologist, make an appointment (and there was a fairly long wait, six or seven weeks) and take him in, with the packet for evaluation.
No one told us what we were supposed to do and we were not really psychologically ready to hear that he needed the evaluation when they first told us--so we sort of ignored the packet when it came. [edited to add] We thought they would call us when they had an appointment set up, but it turned out that was our job.
I have no doubt that you have your stuff more together than we did (I think almost everyone does) but is it possible that there is some element like this where you might need to initiate some next step? We only found out because of an idle comment I made passing the principal in the hall--she realized what was going on and gave me explicit instructions on what to do next. Everyone thought someone else had done this.
In any case, good luck dealing with this and don't let any of it get you down. All these moments will pass and he will be OK when he comes through.