My ds is 8yo (HFA). He does not have a lot of sensory issues, but he is having an issue at camp and I didn't know if anyone would have suggestions. He has gone to the same camp for several years. Last year about half way through the summer he started refusing to go into the pool for swimming saying it was too cold. When I mentioned going to camp again this year, it was the first thing he mentioned - that he didn't like camp because it was too cold. He was able to tell me that its not the pool itself, but when he gets out and has to go to the locker room to change when he gets too cold (I was SO proud he was able to explain so well what the problem is). I bought a big terrycloth robe for him to wrap in to help. Today was his first day. His aide said he had so much fun in the pool, but when I asked him about it he said it was too cold when he got out and the robe only helped a "little tiny bit". I think its painfully cold for him. Any ideas? I hate for him to miss out on something he enjoys because he is so miserable afterwards.