The Autism Speaks one is great especially for supportive people. What I love about the OASIS one is it comes from a somewhat negative perspective, and yet treats these questions with respect. It also targets every-day Aspie issues such as fears and mind-blindness. It answers these questions:
I?ve read articles about Asperger Syndrome. But I still don?t understand what it is.
I?ve never heard of it before.
Great. So how do we fix it?
A lot of kids have these sorts of difficulties. It?s just a part of growing up, isn?t it? After all, he looks perfectly normal to me.
So what if she doesn?t do what other kids do? She?s advanced for her age.
If Asperger Syndrome is genetic, then does that mean we have it too?
What if I don?t believe the diagnosis?
The child?s mother looks exhausted all the time. Could that be a cause?
I?d like to help out and get involved. But my son and his wife always get defensive no matter what I say.
So then what can I do for them?
What does my grandchild need from me?
To tell the truth, I don?t feel comfortable around my grandchild. I have no idea what to do when she acts in her odd ways. ... Asper.aspx