starkid wrote:
Yet another reason why civilized society should be dismantled: so parents can go back to caring for their children properly, rather than renting temporary parenting duties to strangers for half the day as part of a mindless morning routine.
The doctor said that if not for the heat wave that hit Poland, the girl could have been saved. Unfortunately, today the maximum temerature at least in my province reached an 34 C.
What, moreover, is not bad because last summer exceeded in some areas as high as 40 C.
I do not know where the temperature spikes are in my country. TV journalist said that the ambulance was also called upon dozens of times today to elderly who fainted or got a heart attack because of the heat. Some eco freak, of course, have to say that it is by global warming, but he was an ecologist, he would not be a true environmentalist would not waffled about global warming. for some global warming is almost religion,