Built up for what?
Hi ------------
In our last meeting, some time ago now, we spoke of many goals for -my child.
Such a motivational meeting.
There has been enough time for them to be a reality.
I am curious now if my child has the red/green spot card on her desk, that says green- I'm doing well /red- I need help.
You also spoke of talking with my child's therapist ----------------------- This has not happened.
I also keep asking that my child's aide do not do the asking to the teacher of a question that my child can ask but prompted by the aide for her to do so.
Back in term 1 and 2 Donna and Sarah asked my child to ask the question to a teacher and my child was proud of herself.
Asking 4 questions per week is a current challenge set by the therapist and this would be a step forward, but the aide keeps on asking the question.
Its disappointing to be built up in a parent / teacher meeting and then goals just dissipate.
No one has really discussed with me, what my child and myself can expect from integration department.
I realise though that what I am asking is no mean feat.
I am deciding whether to talk with------------------ or ---------------- of the education department for more support.
With Thanks
Un quote- I know my letter is fine, but will the integration dept at my daughters school get their back up. I just want what they procrastinate about. I hate confrontation and if they get all defensive I will not be happy, this is a right for my daughter and me. I kind of feel like we were used big time last year to get funding, they were so interactive with me and totally engaged, but now.
Please let me know what you think.
You should probably throw in a few more "please" and "thank you" and "I would appreciate it so much".
If you're trying to write a pleasant letter that doesn't irritate anyone, that is.
Depending on your history with the school, your letter might be fine as it is. Does the school seem to be trying their best and just needs a little input from you? Or are they being lazy/obstinate/uncaring? That should determine your tone.
Here's how I would write it, if it helps:
In our last meeting,______________weeks ago, we discussed many goals for my child.
Such a motivational meeting!
I am writing to find out if there is anything further I need to do to make sure that the goals are applied in the classroom.
First of all, I'd like to follow up on the red/green spot card we discussed for my daughter; the one that says green- I'm doing well /red- I need help. I'd like to know if she's using this system, if it is successful, or if we need to try something else.
I'm also wondering if you've been in touch with my child's therapist; please keep me apprised of your discussion with (him/her,) to make sure we are all on the same page. Should I set up a phone appointment for you to call when she is free? I'll be happy to do that - let me know when you're available.
I've also noticed that my daughter's aide is asking questions on her behalf. Back in term 1 and 2 Donna and Sarah prompted my child to ask the teacher a question and my child was proud of her success when she did! I want to make sure last term's success continue this term, and also, her therapist has challenged her to ask 4 questions per week. Having the aide ask questions instead of prompting her to ask them is making it difficult for her to achieve her goal.
I don't want to lose the momentum we gained when we were setting goals for the term; I'm happy to discuss strategies to make sure we stick to those goals. I also want you to know that I realize that providing appropriate supports for my daughter is no mean feat and I appreciate that you set such good standards for her.
Should I talk with------------------ or ---------------- in the education department to make sure both you and my daughter have sufficient support?
With Thanks
Of course, my language is a little pedantic, but the idea I'm trying to get across is to try to word everything in such a way that it sounds like a compliment and a suggestion...but a suggestion you aren't going to back down from. Also, word everything in such a way that you sound like you're assuming they are doing what you asked but you still want evidence of that (e.g. asking for follow up on how the card system is going) If you can, try to avoid making it sound like you caught them doing something wrong (even if that's the case.) The alternative (as in the prompting questions) is to phrase a complaint as a "tweak" or a suggestion on how to improve.
These are just ways to massage your email a bit so that they don't feel accused, but you still have teeth in it by asking them to send information and by naming the people you might complain to. If they just needed a prompt, they're likely to respond positively, and if they're just not doing their job, you have a nice polite letter you can take to the person in charge of them and you've documented that they aren't responding appropriately.
Yes, informed, that's correct. Sorry: as I said, I tend to be a bit pedantic, so you probably want to re-write it in your own words. Basically, the idea is to write like you're just checking that they're doing what they are supposed to do, but you are just looking for confirmation because you assume it's being done. You want to find a way to give them an out so they don't get defensive if you can.
Momsparky did a wonderful job of rewriting, but the issue remains is in your school district what do you have the right to expect. I would not try to ruffle feathers, but would insist on your child getting what they need where they are legally entitled to it.
In the US school get double the funding for a child that has an IEP. The funding ends up in the general funds and the teachers do not receive and of it. But the school is legally responsible to carry out what is in the IEP and the parents approve and can contribute to the IEP.
KariLynn, do you know where you found that information about funding? Our school system always insists that problems with supports are due to "money," and I thought what you said is true, but I can't track that down anywhere.
I'd also add, to the OP: if they agreed to it in a meeting, then it is absolutely reasonable of you to expect it. It's on them, first of all not to agree to things they don't have the resources to implement, and second of all to provide your child with equal access to education.
I'd also add, to the OP: if they agreed to it in a meeting, then it is absolutely reasonable of you to expect it. It's on them, first of all not to agree to things they don't have the resources to implement, and second of all to provide your child with equal access to education.
It might take me a bit to find my original source. Total funding comes from federal, state, and local. In my original source the average was double. I quickly found osse.dc.gov in Funding for Public Schools and Public Charter Schools Amendment Act of 2011 - Guidance
Students in special education with Level 1 needs, whom for FY 2011 received an add-on of .52,
Students in special education schools, received an add-on of .17
I usually get my info from .gov sites, but I don't have time to redo or look for this now.
Here is a bit better info.
Per http://febp.newamerica.net/background-a ... stribution
the Federal pays on average $1,743 per PreK-12 child with an IEP which is 17% of total funds for sped. Making the total about $10,500 extra for each sped student. Per http://education.cu-portland.edu/blog/c ... -rankings/
the average funding for all students is $10,834. So for a sped student the average funding is $21,334. So this is roughly double funding for sped, but varies by state and local. The only consistent restrictions on the funding is that it must be spent during the school year given.
I will post the original when I find it.
http://www.4mylearn.org/USSchoolSystems.html and http://www.4mylearn.org/Skills21stCentury.html might also help you when approaching your school about getting services. The graph of Prevalence of Children Receiving IDEA graph shows the majority of children have a Specific Learning Disability, which is mostly dyslexia where the school service investment is low. The major investment is paperwork, which is huge if done manually. If your school is interested there are companies that have automated much of the forms.
In the "How is the money spent and where does the money come from?" The table provides the breakdown of the 2011 US primary and secondary education costs. Instruction Salary includes teachers and professionals whose primary responsibility was not administrative (eg. guidance counselors, school psychologist, librarians). These people provide primary service to the kids and make up 35% of total costs. Years ago it was 67% of the cost. It nearly matches local spending. As state and federal funding increased, overhead increased by nearly the same amount. The quality of education did not increase, just the cost.
The trend of "big is better" started, with larger and larger schools. For all kids, a school size where all the staff know each child by name provide much less social stress, better supervision, and better quality of education at a lower cost. This is especially true for kids labeled ASD and/or ADHD. Nanotechnology is teaching us that, small is beautiful.
I usually get my info from .gov sites, but I don't have time to redo or look for this now.
Here is a bit better info.
Per http://febp.newamerica.net/background-a ... stribution
the Federal pays on average $1,743 per PreK-12 child with an IEP which is 17% of total funds for sped. Making the total about $10,500 extra for each sped student. Per http://education.cu-portland.edu/blog/c ... -rankings/
the average funding for all students is $10,834. So for a sped student the average funding is $21,334. So this is roughly double funding for sped, but varies by state and local. The only consistent restrictions on the funding is that it must be spent during the school year given.
I will post the original when I find it.
I read the article you linked to, and it seems to me that it says that while IDEA law requires an an additional 40% to be spent per special ed student, the federal govt only funds 17%, leaving the state and local district to fund the other 23% extra.
This is averaged over all the special ed students in the state, so it's not like your district is getting 40% extra for your kid directly. The kid getting half an hour of speech a week is costing a lot less than the one with a $30k 1:1 aide or the one in a residential placement.
I usually get my info from .gov sites, but I don't have time to redo or look for this now.
Here is a bit better info.
Per http://febp.newamerica.net/background-a ... stribution
the Federal pays on average $1,743 per PreK-12 child with an IEP which is 17% of total funds for sped. Making the total about $10,500 extra for each sped student. Per http://education.cu-portland.edu/blog/c ... -rankings/
the average funding for all students is $10,834. So for a sped student the average funding is $21,334. So this is roughly double funding for sped, but varies by state and local. The only consistent restrictions on the funding is that it must be spent during the school year given.
I will post the original when I find it.
I read the article you linked to, and it seems to me that it says that while IDEA law requires an an additional 40% to be spent per special ed student, the federal govt only funds 17%, leaving the state and local district to fund the other 23% extra.
This is averaged over all the special ed students in the state, so it's not like your district is getting 40% extra for your kid directly. The kid getting half an hour of speech a week is costing a lot less than the one with a $30k 1:1 aide or the one in a residential placement.
My read is that the district gets the same amount per child at a given level and decides how to spend it. So a child getting 1/2 hour of speech a week would have the same level of funding as the one with a 1:1 aide. Additional funds are provided for sped schools. I am not aware that residential placement is paided for by the school district.
My read is also where states have multi-year waiting lists for services the school district gets funding for the children not receiving services because they are being periodically monitored by a sped teacher, at least the fed and state required matching.