cakedashdash wrote:
Weighted blankets were used at my child's school when first assessed at school. The weighted blankets didn't work for my child.
If your going to make sure its not too heavy that can be dangerous
and the blanket should always use for
I don't know if this will work with anyone else
I also with drew privileges and gave time outs for any violence
I also made sure my child knew violence is wrong even if your not feeling good
or are not getting what you want
The reason I thought of a weighted blanket is that he always wanted to be held tight when he was upset when he was younger, and now screams to be hugged at the end of a meltdown but does not want to be touched in the midst of it. I wondered if maybe he would be more open to an object that gives him that tight sensation. But, they are so expensive that I have been hesitant to buy one because it may not work.
He does not understand or respond to time outs. He tends to also only hear part of what we say, and it is so much worse when he is upset. But, drawing up privileges might work. In the past, he would earn time to play video games. What he earned, he would not lose, but he would not have as much time if he didn't earn points. Points would be earned for traveling to school without screaming and lying down on the sidewalk, etc. I should revisit that and add ideas like refraining from hitting or saying awful things when he is upset, etc. Thanks.