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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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22 Jun 2009, 4:03 pm

My son is 3.8 For the past 2 month, he is getting better and better at using his potty. Now he can go in 5 seconds if I ask him and he is in the mood of cooperation. But he can't hold very long. After a big drink, he pees almost every 10 minutes.

So far we didn't push for potty train. He gets a sticker every time he uses the potty. He talks very well now, can say pee poo, wet pants, wet floor etc. He often asks to use the potty when he want to pee, but by the time I get him to sit on the potty, it's always too late. I let He sit on the potty anyway, he always manages to pee again.

I tried let him wear big boy pants for a couple of afternoons. He did think it's bad thing to wet his pants, but he can't hold until we get to the potty. Should I try harder? or he is just not ready?

22 Jun 2009, 4:06 pm

Maybe he isn't ready. He isn't ready for big boy pants thats for sure so he still needs his pull ups. If he doesn't want to wear diapers, I wouldn't force him back into them so I would just stick with the pull ups.


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22 Jun 2009, 4:31 pm

Sounds to me like he's mentally ready but not quite physically ready. My daughter was easy. When she was ready, she simply refused to let me put a diaper on her ever again.

What you're already doing is more potty training than I ever did with Shelli. We just made sure to leave the training booster seat on the toilet when we weren't using it and let her know what it was for. She was about two and a half, but every kid's body matures at his or her own rate. I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. It'll come with time.




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22 Jun 2009, 5:27 pm

You could try letting him run around at home with only a top on, no pants or pull-ups. Always have a potty nearby, so if he decides he wants to go, there is nothing to delay him.

He's getting there! :)

Blue Jay
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22 Jun 2009, 5:36 pm

My son was about the same age when he started real potty training and he was the same way. He had issues in the begining with making it to the bathroom or stopping playing to care to go to the bathroom. Also pullups are the devil!! When I stopped putting pullups on him and started just letting him run around nekkid, that helped ALOT. He was kinda forced to recognise sooner that he needed to use the toilet, also he hated the mess it made if he didn't make it in time, so that helped too. We didn't force the poop/toilet in the begining too much, that came in it's own time. He's now 4.5 y/o and he can actually go without pullups during the day, wearing pants and undies and when we are at the stores now, he tells us he needs the bathroom.

Actually our biggest breakthru was a week ago, on a 6 hr car trip, even tho he had a pullup on he still told us he needed a bathroom to go poop and held it til we got to the truck stop!


Snowy Owl
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22 Jun 2009, 6:05 pm

I'm far from an expert, but I have learned some things in my Child Development Class last year:
Bowel control comes before Bladder control. Day Control comes months before Night Control.
Keep a routine. Training is easiest when emotionally ready. Treat accidents lightly and expect accidents when there are changes (such as in routine, new family member, etc).
A child may be ready if they can follow simple directions, remain dry for 2+ hours, and walk to and from bathroom, pull down and up pants.
One outward sign that the kid is ready is the ability to draw a circle.
Hope that helps at all. -Power Girl


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22 Jun 2009, 8:48 pm

We did the no pants thing with my younger son but he would alway take them off anyway. It might help you to buy lots of potties and have them all over the house while he gets the hang of it. Don't feel bad if it takes along time boys take longer then girls and seeing that you posted here AS ans Attie boys take even longer most of the time. Jake wasn't fully potty trained at school until he was 6 < he was going just fine at home>. We used a timer with my older son <we didn't make him sit until he went> every 20 mins we'd go try if nothing no big deal but if he went he got a stick on his chart 1 for pee 2 for poop working his way up to a prize. This might be the way to go with your boy to help him get a handle his body.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Jun 2009, 9:54 am

Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I will try the no pant method next month. We are moving in 3 weeks so I don't want to try anything before that.