Survey about your child's special interests: I'd love input!

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Jul 2015, 4:29 pm

I'm new to this site, so I'm sorry if this isn't allowed, but I compiled some questions about special interests in Aspergers/autistic young people. It's only a handful of questions, and any input would be very appreciated! Thank you!! !

Oh no! Since I'm a new user, it won't let me link URLs... Here's the closest I can get, haha. Again, thank you!



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20 Jul 2015, 10:16 am

Who are you? Why do you want to know these things? It's a bit odd to ask people to answer a survey with absolutely no explanation. :?


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21 Jul 2015, 2:18 am

It is customary to ask Alex Plank (the owner/founder of the site) for permission first.

Also; giving some more information about who you are and why you are taking this survey is helpful, we cannot tell if this is actually a survey or a link containing some kind of virus.

If nothing else, it allows you to filter the results by stating your preferred respondents (adolescents, parents, children, male/female...)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Jul 2015, 10:31 am

You guys are totally right, haha, I must look like a weirdo. I actually wrote out more information, but then I got worried about giving too much away... basically I'm starting a non-profit and I've been guarding it like my own child.

My son recently got diagnosed with high-functioning autism, and my husband and I have decided to start a non-profit related to the intense special interests of kids with Asperger's/high functioning ASD. However, we are totally new to autism (as in, six months ago we barely knew what it WAS), and we have almost zero friends and family that know anything about it. It feels like we're working in the dark sometimes, so I wanted to poll some people who are a little more familiar with the subject than I, to see if there would even be any need in the community for what I hope to do.

I'm sorry to Alex Plank for not asking permission! I will certainly do so next time (and may repost this at some point with the amended information). Thank you!


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23 Jul 2015, 12:18 pm

You can use the internal search function to find many WP (Wrong Planet) threads about special interests. It's a topic that is frequently discussed here.
My son's primary special interest is Legos. He also likes to play video games, and he likes to read science books and other collections of facts.


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23 Jul 2015, 8:49 pm

My son loves math and any type of electronic device: from cellphones to fancy fridges with electronic displays. He is hyperlexic and enjoys fonts (and typeface) as well as other language's alphabets/syllabary.


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26 Jul 2015, 11:57 am

My kids have always both had fairly "typical" special interests. For them, it is more a "degree" issue than it is an "odd" issue.

Son: Minecraft, Bleach (the anime kind, not the cleaning kind), wolves, and swords of various types

Daughter: Minecraft, Pokemon, drawing (may create up to 20 very detailed drawings in a day), anime, and chibis. She has created her own Pokemon regions with her own Pokemon. My son says many of them are better/more creative/more exciting than the real things.

Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage


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26 Jul 2015, 4:05 pm

Up until last year, my dd (now 15, dx at 11) didn't have noticeable special interests; she would get fixated on things as she was learning them, especially life skills like cooking, make-up etc., but they would soon become part of her routine. Last year she started getting interested in astrology, and the more complex aspects of it. She has now memorized a lot of information and uses it to "read" people. She is also interested in a lot of social justice issues (fairness = moral rules) and cultural differences.