I posted this on a local ASD forum, I got brutalised, apparently the author and I don't understand what it is like to live with a faeces smearing child who will one day need to be institutionalized...
Oh well. I agree, the article probably does target mostly HFA and AS children on the spectrum...
One lady did send me a great story though about her child. (LFA) apparently when he was 7, she had him join a beaver coloney. She had to do one on one support, but her son seemed to enjoy it. Oneday they went to a waterpark with the group, and he watched people going down a water slide, and decided to go, pulling his mom (mostly non verbal) to the slide. She got really excited because he wanted to do something! So, they go up, they go down together, he goes under the water and freaks out! The mom figures with his lack of TOM he did not know his head would go under as a result of the slide like everyone elses! So, he starts screaming "not fair". And screams that the rest of the day, and all the way home in the car, and even at bedtime, wimpers "not fair" until he goes to sleep. She feels absolutley horrible.
Only, the next morning he wakes up, and starts drawing waterslides. He becomes obsessed with them, and continues to draw them for years! Waterslides become one of the only things he is interested in, although he does show really strong ability in math and music too. Anyway, this child grows up, and actually finds a college who accepts him with the purpose of tailoring a program to teach him everything he needs to know about designing "waterslides". He does really well, and now has a job working for a waterslide manufacturer in the design department! He is living a semi independant life now with a steady job! I just thought that was absolutely amazing!