You know what I think is funny??
When I got pregnant with K (back in 2000), my understanding of the available literature (there wasn't much) was that an autistic person's chances of having any given offspring turn out to be autistic were somewhere between 50% and 80%. I just sort of assumed my kids would have it and planned my parenting strategies (a 23-year-old only child planning parenting strategies-- LMFAO!! !) accordingly.
Well, we plan, God laughs. We've since discovered the odds are a lot lower.
That said, I also don't see why this is news. MY fertility certainly isn't newsworthy (and I don't want it to be). I don't want anyone making my fertility decisions for me; I don't presume to make (or criticize) those decisions for other people.
It must have been a slow day, and the reporter discovered something she could twist and manipulate to generate hits. I guess THAT'S the real headline????
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"