When it's a rough ASD day . . . causes and how to cope?

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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24 Apr 2016, 9:28 am

My 8-year has been doing GREAT this year in 3rd grade and at home. Less meltdowns, more flexible, getting along with friends. We have had hiccups, but overall major progress. Every now and then though, something happens and we have one of those "Here comes the real ASD" days. This weekend he was distant, moody, inflexible, easily distraught, repetitive, obsessive, etc. At one point he just wanted to hide in the corner behind his bed to feel better. He has been doing so well, it can be hard to change gears and give his struggles center stage suddenly. It's like we can ALMOST forget he is not neuro-typical when things are routine and going great. First, I always struggle in these moments with going--what caused this? Something had to have caused such an extreme swing.
My first thought is diet--he was sick the last two weeks and cold/cough medication seems to create big mood changes when used over more than a few days. It then seems to take a while to get out of his system. Does that sound crazy? I can't not give him medication when he has bronchitis, yet I hate it that every sickness sets his development back by WEEKS.
My other thought is that Thursday at school was "sneak peek" at their next year's classrooms amd teachers...then, Friday was a 3/4 day field trip. Too much change in one week??

I emailed his teacher warning her he may need down time tomorrow, but probably back to the routine of school will be ok for him.

Finally, what can we do to help these sudden setbacks? I know understanding goes a long way. Is changing plans and huddling down at home the only way? He just seems to be cranky at home then. I make power smoothies, give him quiet, etc., but really struggle because he doesn't know what he needs or how to tell me what he needs. The skightest thing, even at home, has him yelling and crying. My husband doesn't help--he gets more frustrated and demanding the more our son struggles, and I have to remind him to back off.
Any thoughts or tips? Or just encouragement? Is this fairly typical?


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25 Apr 2016, 6:52 am

My other thought is that Thursday at school was "sneak peek" at their next year's classrooms amd teachers...then, Friday was a 3/4 day field trip.

I think you're probably right. Two days in a row of upset routine and excitement, mixed with anxiety about next year's changes. That's probably what's upsetting him. I would avoid viewing it as a "setback", however. Your son hasn't regressed, it's just that situations like this don't happen every day. They only happen once in a while, which is why you don't see him behaving this way on a daily basis.