Physical punishment
Several people here have expressed strong opinions on this topic. I thought I'd outline some of my perspectives on physical punishment.
The basic reasons that physical punishment should not be used are:
1) It feels wrong - most parents do not enjoy hitting their children, they just believe that it is necessary. I don't believe there is a debate to be had if people are hitting children, for the pleasure of it (I think most people agree that that is unequivocally wrong).
2) It is less effective than reinforcement based approaches (I'll go into detail on this).
3) It is ineffective in most situations - there is empirical evidence, as well as solid theoretical reasons for this. I'll go into it in some detail.
4) It is not more effective than milder forms of punishment - punishment can be used to some effect in certain specific situations. In those situations, physical punishment is not more effective than milder forms of punishment such as time-out or response cost (taking away access to preferred items for short periods of time).
5) It potentially damages family relationships.
6) Modeling - children learn by imitation too. When an adult hits a child, they teach the lesson that hitting is ok.
There are some common arguments in favor of physical punishment:
7) My parents hit me, and I turned out fine. -or- My kids are well behaved because I hit them.
8.) The punishment fits the crime - sure I slapped his bottom, but he did x, y and z...he deserved it!
9) Nothing else worked
10) S/He needs to learn right from wrong.
11) It made him/her stop - therefore it works.
Here is another way to understand behaviors:
A functional behavioral perspective assumes that all behaviors serve a function. That is, no one does something "for no reason." If someone is going to go through the effort to do something, they must have a reason for it. They have some need and they are trying to meet it. For example, children often throw tantrums in order to get attention, or as a way to exert power with their parents (if you want this tantrum to stop, you will submit to my will!).
In behavioral terms: Antecedents(triggers) -> behaviors -> consequences
If the consequences are positive and meet needs, then the behaviors are strengthened and continue.
2) Reinforcement based approaches aim to teach alternative but functionally equivolent behaviors. We start from the assumption that the reason the child is engaging in inappropriate behaviors is that he or she is incompetent to engage in appropriate behaviors. For example, a child who bites to get his way is probably not capable of negotiating effectively. Negotiation would probably be more efficient and effective than biting, so he would do that if he could. The fact that biting is happening shows that he is missing an important skill. Our model is we start with:
Antecedent -> inappropriate behavior -> positive consequence
And we try to replace it with:
Antecedent -> inappropriate behavior -> no/minimal consequence AND Antecedent -> replacement behavior -> POSITIVE consequence
In other words we try to replace the inappropriate behavior with another replacement that is more effective and efficient at getting needs met. When this is done well, it can be very effective, and relatively painless.
This approach requires some thought and understanding, but for many people it is an intuitive and natural part of parenting. In most parents who use physical discipline, they are probably doing this as well, they just don't realize it.
3) The problem with the punishment model is people think that they are doing this:
Antecedent -> inappropriate behavior -> negative consequence
In most cases, though, they are actually doing this:
Antecedent -> inappropriate behavior -> positive consequence -> negative consequence
As an example, it is possible to prevent a dog from eating, even if it is hungry. All you have to do is administer shock every time the dog goes to eat food BEFORE it actually eats. If you successfully accomplish this, you can get a dog to starve to death with food in front of him. But here's the thing, if the dog succeeds in eating that food a few times, without getting shocked, or if the shock is administered after the dog has started eating, the result will be mixed for the dog. He will be both reinforced and punished at the same time. This dog will be miserable, but it will continue to eat.
A child who successfully steals and then gets punished, will experience both reinforcement and punishment. The punishment will not cancel out the reinforcement, instead it will encourage the child to innovate new ways to meet its needs. If the child's best strategy is stealing, then they will most likely innovate better ways to steal. Punishment will not necessarily stop stealing. Instead it will make the child work harder to not get caught.
Similarly, a child who hits to get attention will receive a lot of attention when his parents decide to use physical punishment. In this way that child will experience both reinforcement and punishment simultaneously.
In each of these scenarios the child does not learn an effective alternative strategy to get potentially reasonable needs met. Instead, the child learns to improve on their initial maladaptive strategy.
The only way for any kind of punishment strategy to be effective is if it is paired with effective extinction - that is the positive consequences of the behaviors are removed. The behavior must never result in a positive consequence. Just doing extinction is effective in stopping behaviors, and punishment is rarely necessary. Punishment can be used as an adjunct, and is potentially effective in that specific context. Note that I am not referring to physical punishment here - just punishment as a whole.
Extinction is this:
Antecedent ->behavior-> no consequence
Extinction + punishment is this:
Antecedent -> behavior -> negative consequence (and absolutely no positive consequence)
As I mentioned above, it is very difficult to consistently implement this sort of strategy.,,often the child still receives occasional reinforcement, so you wind up with that mixed consequence situation which isn't helpful. In many situations, children receive reinforcement without punishment, and then get caught and punished maybe one in 10 times.
4) Physical punishment is not more effective than other milder forms of punishment like time-outs, reprimands or losing privileges. This is a common myth about punishment, the bigger the punishment; the more learning occurs. In fact the most important variables with behavioral learning are latency (time between behavior and consequence) frequency and consistency. If a punishment strategy is going to be effective it just has to be prompt and consistent. A child who is told "no" every time that he tries to bite will learn much more than a child who is spanked 1 in 2 times he tries to either case, my earlier point still stands - a replacement behavior usually needs to be taught for the child to stop. If any kind of punishment is necessary, there are no situations where physical punishment will be more effective than a non-physical form of punishment. In many situations it will be worse because of modeling.
5) Physical punishment damages the bond between parents and children. This doesn't mean that a family can't still be close and loving even in the face of physical punishment, but the punishment does not help this situation, and often can hurt it. Children don't obey people who they have a poor relationship with, so if not enough work is done to repair this relationship, physical punishment can actually snowball behavioral problems by damaging the caregiver-child relationship to the point where the child no longer wants to please the caregiver. In these cases the physical punishment can result in a situation where a child follows the rules just well enough not to get punished (and then breaks them in defiance when he or she thinks he or she won't get caught).
6) Modeling - children learn by imitation. Parents who hit children teach their children that hitting is acceptable. If the children are clever, they learn the lesson that it is only ok for adults to hit children (which is sort of a twisted lesson). If the children are not clever, they over-generalize and learn that it is ok for a person to hit someone else when that person displeases them. This lesson leads to more problems!
7) My parents hit me and I turned out fine - This argument is absurd. I was hit by a car as a child, and I turned out fine...therefore everyone should be hit by cars? Just because something is possibly benign, does not make it desirable. We do not take prescription drugs because they probably won't kill us, we take them because we believe they will make us better. Likewise, the fact that hitting is present and a person is well behaved (i.e. a correlation) does not imply that the hitting caused the appropriate behavior (i.e. causation).
8.) The punishment fits the crime - I already described above how making a punishment worse does not really affect the learning that occurs, and that those other variables are much more important. Additionally, this concept of cold justice is not appropriate for children. If we were going to apply this principle to children, then those little moochers would have nothing to eat, because when was the last time they really earned a meal? Parents should nurture and foster independence in their children, not inflict justice upon them. Once they are able to be completely responsible for their actions, we can talk about justice.
9) Nothing else worked - this is a defeatist perspective. Often people say this, meanwhile the kid is well behaved in other settings, such as school. There is often ample evidence that a child is capable of appropriate behaviors in the right context. In either case, nothing working is no excuse to harm a child.
10) S/He needs to learn right from wrong. In most scenarios, children actually do know that what they did is wrong. If any kind of punishment has been used, or if the child was reprimanded in some way, they usually understand that this behavior is somehow undesirable. Hitting a child doesn't usually reinforce this lesson, it just damages the relationship between parent and child. In most situations when a child is doing something that they have been told is wrong, they know it is wrong, but they just don't know the right way to get those needs met. So the issue here is the child knows wrong already, but they don't know right. So stop teaching wrong, and start teaching right.
11) But it made him/her stop! This is the most insidious argument to be made in favor of physical punishment. It's often true that hitting a child will stop a behavior. I often conceptualize this situation as a coercive process. Lets take for example, a child who throws a tantrum in order to get attention. When his mother comes and spanks him, she will give him the attention he needs, and the tantrum will stop. Behaviorally, it looks like this:
No attention (antecedent) -> tantrum (behavior) -> spanking/attention (negative and positive consequence)
The parent thinks that the negative consequence stopped the behavior, while in fact the child stopped the behavior because his needs got met, and now the behavior has been strengthened so it will certainly happen again.
Meanwhile, the parent experiences this
tantrum (antecedent) -> spanking (behavior) -> tantrum stops (positive consequence)
They believe that the spanking worked and are behaviorally reinforced for it. The result is a recurring coercive process, the kid keeps tantruming and his mother keeps spanking, and both believe that what they are doing is effective.
Last edited by EmileMulder on 02 Feb 2014, 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I hope that all made sense and doesn't seem to preachy. It's an issue I'm passionate about, but I understand that physical punishment is popular and widely used and often not too harmful. I try to avoid being too preachy to people, but rather take the approach of teaching them other more effective ways, to handle their children...the same way that I try to teach children better and more effective ways to get their needs met.
I could use you logic and apply it to other consequences parents give their kids. A kid does something wrong and they continue to get a consequence every time for that behavior like I did. Does that make any other punishments wrong? Kids do test their limits so they will try and get away with it and do things anyway after you threaten them with a consequence and they do it to test you. The key is being consistent and follow through and the kid ends up respecting you that way because they know you mean it and are serious with what you say.
Mom took my stuff away as a consequence, she would also make things off limits if I misused it, I imitated her behavior to my brothers so should that mean it's wrong to take away privileges or making things off limits to kids because it might teach them it's okay to take things away from other people that aren't theirs and telling them they can't use things?
People and studies also claim spanking makes the kid grow up to be in trouble with the law and be a delinquent and it also gives them anxiety in their adult hood and decreases their IQ. I would have to ask why is my brother okay? He still turned out very smart. He didn't get an anxiety disorder or become a criminal. My other brother didn't get anxiety either and turn into a criminal either and I doubt spanking gave him ADD just like I doubt a spanking gave me anxiety and problems in school and gave me AS and I didn't turn into a criminal either and I don't go around hitting people and neither do my brothers. My mom used to allow my brother to hit his younger brother whenever he hit him because she tried time outs and other things and none of them worked so she told my brother 'next time he hits you, you have my permission to hit him back" so he hit his brother every time he hit him and after a while he stopped because he didn't like getting hit by him. My youngest brother was just a hitter and he didn't grow out of it until he started getting hit for it. Whenever my brother had something he wanted, he would hit him to get it from him.
I hated being spanked when I was a kid so all my mom had to do was ask me if I wanted a spanking and I always said no and she would tell me she will do it if I don't stop. I also remember getting my mouth slapped if I said bad words so I never said them. I wasn't even allowed to say shut up or that would get my mouth slapped. I remember learning the f word and my mom has tried talking to me about it, she has tried other punishments and then one day she said next time I say that word I get my mouth slapped. I said it again but this time we happened to be at a restaurant and she slapped my mouth and I never said the word again. I would ask all the people out there who are apposed to slapping kids mouths what would they suggest my mother should have done if nothing else worked? It got me to not ever say the word again, not ever. Not the next day or the following week or following month, never.
Sure there are kids out there who don't mind being spanked but then that means it's ineffective and the parent should try something else. My mom has had to try different punishments with me that were effective. When time outs quit working, she had to find something else. When taking away my Barbies quit working, she had to find something else. I have even seen several people say online they wished they were spanked instead because it was quicker and it ended sooner. That just shows how ineffective it is on older kids so the reason why parents quit using it when they get to elementary school so you're right it isn't much more effective. I have heard of stories about people still being spanked in their teens and elementary school. I was rarely spanked past age six and haven't gotten one since age nine when I threw a stick at a bird's nest and it didn't hurt when she slapped my butt.
I am not against parents not spanking their children because whatever works with them works. One thing I used to feel strongly about was shaming children and now I am on the fence about it because so many parents and people seem to be fine with it and call it good parenting and I have seen the kids say how they still love their parents and they did it because they love them and they don't seem to be damaged or resenting them. Is it something new parents are doing or has it always been around? I have never seen it before except for online. Is it becoming a new parenting trend? This was never done to me and I never saw it happening to any child in my life. First time I ever heard of it was probably 2009 and that parent got ripped apart with comments. Now I am seeing positive comments about it and they seem to be taking over the negative comments. Even someone on my Facebook I went to school with thinks this is okay.
In the last ten years spanking has become a controversial issue and I do believe many parents still spank their kids because of an article I read in a parenting magazine about corporal punishment and it said 4 out of 5 parents spank or have spanked their kids, but they are just quiet about it because no parent likes to be judged and it's a strong and sensitive topic. I will still see parents admit online they have spanked their kids and have seen spanking debates on Babycenter between parents who find spanking okay and parents who are against it and it gets all heated up or turns into pro spankers mocking the anti spankers by posting exaggerated pictures of corporal punishments. Also when Delaware outlawed spanking in their state, many parents were pissed about it in the comments and were blaming it on child abusers and parents who don't know where to draw the line for hitting and how hard they should hit. Also I have read online by a social worker who is against spankings how she works with families and they try and find effective ways for their kids and most of them say they have tried spankings. Someone posted the same on my Facebook about her 3 year old son how she had tried everything; spankings, time outs, taking away things, etc. and he still won't learn. I just hope her son doesn't have a mental illness where nothing is effective and he doesn't care what punishments he gets. There are some kids out there like that and the parents can't do anything about it because nothing is effective and consequences do not work. Many people will argue about why spankings are fine and why spanking are bad and come up with reasons and use logic to prove their point like we have. I don't think we will ever agree or get convinced why it's wrong or fine.
Even though spanking is still not illegal in the states except Delaware, experts and social workers try and discourage it.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.

No, it seemed like a five year Sociology Course, written by someone who has no children and has never even worked as a babysitter, much less raised multiple kids. The kind of Liberal Sociology that has given the US two generations of disrespectful, entitled brats.
The fact is, EmileMulder, no sensible person believes that beating the snot out of a kid is a positive educational technique. Spanking is a last resort and when reserved for that purpose, can be very effective, especially with children who may require an extra reminder that certain social mores must be obeyed, whether you personally see the point in them or not. I have many scars from verbal abuse and not a single one from my father's belt.
In actual practice in the real world, different techniques work with different children's personalities. I raised three, and every one of the trio was different in what they needed to take a point.
In one case, a swat on the diaper once or twice as a toddler was enough to keep them from playing with the electrical sockets, and from that point on, the child listened and obeyed verbal instruction without a single hitch. All they needed was that quick frightening shock, to enforce that NO meant NO.
With another, there was a boundaries issue with the child having a hard time comprehending why everyone wasn't as generous and unattached to personal possessions as the child was, and that just pocketing other people's property because it was shiny and attractive was absolutely not going to be tolerated. Verbal reasoning did not make an impression, or made one only temporarily. Removal of toys meant nothing, because they didn't have a materialistic bone in their body, the kid was a magpie. Once the zero tolerance rule was enforced, the petty larceny ceased. I think it was worth the trade, considering what that habit would have cost them had it continued into adulthood (that kid is an honored Navy Vet now).
Corporal punishment can be an effective educational tool, if applied sparingly and FAIRLY. My parents gave me two chances to screw up before the nuclear option was exercised. The hammer came down only after I had ignored the second warning. I had nobody to blame but myself and I knew it. While human beings need to learn early on to respect others, their feelings and their property, and most do so without too much fanfare, they also need to know, beyond doubt, that boundaries will be enforced, unpleasantly if necessary, because that is in fact how the real world works. Better to get a swat on the behind as a child, than a bullet in the chest as an adult because you'd always gotten away with it before.
Can it be overused? Oh, absolutely. Well-meaning people often step over lines of reasonable action, or resort to tactics out of anger, that should only ever be used calmly and judiciously. And of course, there is outright abuse, but that's not the same thing. There's a universe of difference between the loving parent who wants to ensure that their kids grow up to walk the straight and narrow, and the mean drunk who savagely beats his children out of frustration and anger at the world.
And where do you think those evidence comes from? They have to come from somewhere or else there would be no study.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
Most of those arguments actually can be used against punishment in general (non-physical). That's why I generally don't recommend punishment as a strategy, I don't always try to do away with it either, because it is usually relatively benign. Again, same for minor spanking like you described. I'll try to teach alternative techniques and make it clear that the spanking isn't necessary, but I'm not going to judge someone harshly for doing what the majority of parents do at some point or other.
If we consider our tools as being carrot and stick, the main goal is to create incentives for appropriate behavior over inappropriate behavior. This can be done exclusively with the stick, and I think we all agree that that is the wrong approach - all punishment and no nurturing or love or affection will very likely harm a child. It is even worse when the stick is applied haphazardly, and not even tied to the child's behavior (like an abusive parent hitting the child when they're drunk).
Most parents provide a balance, some carrot and some stick. Both are loosely based on behavior. What's interesting to me is that when defending punishment, people only describe the stick, as if the carrot didn't exist. The carrot is automatic, so often that we forget it, and only remember the one or two times the kid got spanked. Maybe part of why the kid learned the lesson is that someone also taught him or her the right way to do it, and then praised him or her for staying on that positive track. I think parents deserve more credit for those things than for the two times they spanked the child.
To take that a step further; what most people don't understand is that it's possible to just use the carrot. If this is done haphazardly, then it's spoiling the child (you shouldn't reward a child as he is biting people). But if it is done carefully and planfully, it creates structure and does not require any punishment (aside from very mild reprimands occasionally).
Willard: you're right, I don't have kids of my own, but I have extensive experience working with and helping kids who have severe problem behaviors. I've spent more time with certain children over the course of a year or two then their own parents. I've studied different techniques for working with them extensively. I have also helped children to stop running away from adults into traffic, or hitting others or themselves. I've done all of this using only carrots, in almost all cases. I know parents face stressors that I don't, and that it's not always easy to think carefully and rationally about every little thing. But that's part of the point - punishment is easier to screw up, and it backfires as often as it works.
Again, I'm not trying to judge people who use punishment (especially non-physical punishment). I'm just pointing out there are other ways to do it that are more effective.
The types of studies you describe apply to populations. They either take a correlation: how severely were you hit vs how anxious are you, or how often were you hit vs how anxious are you, or they will compare means: people that were hit regularly were more likely to have X problem than those that weren't. Those findings indicate that an effect may be there, but they don't necessarily apply to every individual in the group. Alternatively your brother could represent the bottom of the curve - not hit all that much->not bad problems. Studies like that can't be easily turned into simple rules, but they do indicate that hitting can be associated with problems.
This is interesting to me. I actually worked on this with a family. I think your mom taught you the wrong lesson. The social norm is not to never curse, but rather to curse depending on the situation. Never cursing indicates to many people that you are uptight and proper, and will get you shunned in certain circles. Cursing all the time indicates that you have no sense of self-control or judgment, and will get you shunned in many circles. The skill is knowing when it is acceptable and appropriate to curse and doing it sparingly so that it adds emphasis. You were probably confused that you saw all these people cursing in movies, and kids at school cursing, and there didn't seem to be any sensible rules around it. So you appropriately tried to imitate them, and were punished for it. Instead of learning the subtle rules around the issue, you learned "I am the only person that is never allowed to curse." You hold it up as a possible success of the technique, to me it makes me a little sad for you as a child.
I think it's fine for parents to teach their children that this is a complex issue and then make it clear, if you do it in a restaurant, you embarrass the family. If you do it in school in front of a teacher, you'll get in trouble. There are natural consequences built in for violating social norms. Parents don't really need to add extra ones. If the kid were cursing at me, and I felt like it connoted disrespect, I could express that to the kid, and then ask them to stop doing that, and make it clear that I wouldn't respond to them while they were cursing (this is withholding the carrot - your words only have value if they're phrased appropriately, fix it and we can talk). I could also make it clear in the restaurant scenario - if you want dessert, you'll keep it clean (dessert is the carrot here). I really don't think hitting is necessary to teach that lesson.
Another thing that I find interesting in these stories is that you indicated that there was a general culture of hitting in your family. Everyone hit everyone at times. This certainly can't be held up as evidence of the success of corporal punishment. It's great that your family is fine. Many people also drink alcohol and come out fine, but that doesn't mean that it's not potentially problematic or dangerous - and I think that was one of my original points there.
Regarding shaming, I would just lump it in as another form of punishment. I know it's a major force in east Asia, and so maybe it's become trendy here now. I imagine it has the same issues as other types of punishment, but maybe a bit more of an emotional component. It is probably relatively benign if used sparingly and appropriately, and it can probably really harm a child if used excessively or haphazardly.
The problem with the punishment model is people think that they are doing this:
Antecedent -> inappropriate behavior -> negative consequence
In most cases, though, they are actually doing this:
Antecedent -> inappropriate behavior -> positive consequence -> negative consequence
As an example, it is possible to prevent a dog from eating, even if it is hungry. All you have to do is administer shock every time the dog goes to eat food BEFORE it actually eats. If you successfully accomplish this, you can get a dog to starve to death with food in front of him. But here's the thing, if the dog succeeds in eating that food a few times, without getting shocked, or if the shock is administered after the dog has started eating, the result will be mixed for the dog. He will be both reinforced and punished at the same time. This dog will be miserable, but it will continue to eat.
A child who successfully steals and then gets punished, will experience both reinforcement and punishment. The punishment will not cancel out the reinforcement, instead it will encourage the child to innovate new ways to meet its needs. If the child's best strategy is stealing, then they will most likely innovate better ways to steal. Punishment will not necessarily stop stealing. Instead it will make the child work harder to not get caught.
Similarly, a child who hits to get attention will receive a lot of attention when his parents decide to use physical punishment. In this way that child will experience both reinforcement and punishment simultaneously.
In each of these scenarios the child does not learn an effective alternative strategy to get potentially reasonable needs met. Instead, the child learns to improve on their initial maladaptive strategy.
The only way for any kind of punishment strategy to be effective is if it is paired with effective extinction - that is the positive consequences of the behaviors are removed. The behavior must never result in a positive consequence. Just doing extinction is effective in stopping behaviors, and punishment is rarely necessary. Punishment can be used as an adjunct, and is potentially effective in that specific context. Note that I am not referring to physical punishment here - just punishment as a whole.
Extinction is this:
Antecedent ->behavior-> no consequence
Extinction + punishment is this:
Antecedent -> behavior -> negative consequence (and absolutely no positive consequence)
As I mentioned above, it is very difficult to consistently implement this sort of strategy.,,often the child still receives occasional reinforcement, so you wind up with that mixed consequence situation which isn't helpful. In many situations, children receive reinforcement without punishment, and then get caught and punished maybe one in 10 times.
Slightly tangential, I suppose, as my way of interpreting what you have outlined is different, but I would say that when a child decides to break a rule (as opposed to acting on pure impulse) he weighs the cost vs. the benefit of the action as something like: Expected value of the benefit minus the Expected Value of the cost, where the expected value of the cost would include the punishment weighted by multiplying it times the expected probability of being caught. (or something like that) Under this analysis. if the child views it as a reasoned choice, upping the punishment should deter the action. I think that is what you see when punishments work.
On the other hand, when the child does not believe it is a choice, or the action is so very important to him, that the expected cost value will never outweigh the expected benefit value, the punishment falls apart.
I think often people believe that children always have the ability to control their choices, and if that is the case most of the time, then the result is seen as validating. If it doesn't work and escalation does not work, then the kid is "bad."
Kids are different and so you will see anecdotes on all sides, Some kids respond to some punishments better than others. Some don't need much more than a visible amount of parental disappointment. Some kids don't respond to any punishment b/c it is not the point. Most are probably some kind of mix.
A lot of parents (not the ones on here) don't really examine this, b/c they do not have to. They do what their parents did. and what fits in with their culture; or do the opposite b/c they feel strongly that way is wrong b/c of personal experiences. Some parents just do what works.
I was raised not to believe in hitting, by parents who were raised by parents who very much believed in it. I currently live in a place that is very culturally and religiously attached to hitting. I had to send in forms every year he was in school, so that this option would be taken off the table. I come from a place where it is illegal to hit children in school. There is so much variance. I have no idea about how many people look at it pragmatically.
To me the hardest part is being consistent especially since unless you have very young kids you won't be able to catch them every time. So, yes, that can be accidentally reinforcing the behavior b/c of the random pay-offs. I do not know how to fix this.
The types of studies you describe apply to populations. They either take a correlation: how severely were you hit vs how anxious are you, or how often were you hit vs how anxious are you, or they will compare means: people that were hit regularly were more likely to have X problem than those that weren't. Those findings indicate that an effect may be there, but they don't necessarily apply to every individual in the group. Alternatively your brother could represent the bottom of the curve - not hit all that much->not bad problems. Studies like that can't be easily turned into simple rules, but they do indicate that hitting can be associated with problems.
Mom always explained to my brothers and I why other kids were allowed to do things we weren't allowed to do and she would tell us their parents let them, they don't have good parents. They have an easy mother, we have a tough mother. There were even words I was not allowed to say at home that weren't even bad words but yet I said them in school because it was allowed. I knew school behavior and home behavior so I had split behaviors. I remember learning 'duh' in school and one day I said it at home to my mother and she told me to go to the stairs. I learned it was a "bad word" and I never said it again at home. Now I think it wasn't because the word was bad, I was being disrespectful and I got the message I was not to use that word. My little brother asked about bad words in movies and she explained they are said in grown up movies. she taught us bad words were grown up words and kids are not to say them, only grown ups. Then of course whenever I heard a bad word in a PG movie only once, I thought it was rated R.
IMO kids shouldn't be cursing. How would you react if you heard a three year old say s**t or damn it? I knew at a young age there was gown up behavior and kid behavior and grown ups had different rules than kids and she explained that to us. It's like how two year olds have different rules than seven year olds do because of expectations and development. Same with grown ups and kids.
Also what is wrong with not cursing. I have noticed goody two shoes are given a hard time when they don't drink or do drugs or never curse and I wonder what is the big deal if they don't do those things? It's eve like when a kid refuses a cigarette and his friends tease him about it ad try and pressure him to do it and making him feel guilty and like a wuss for being proper, no wonder kids fall into peer pressure and make the wrong choices and then get addicted.That is why parents have to watch who their kids are with and who their friends are because of peer pressure and bad influence. That is why teens are lot of work. My parents were so busy monitoring who my brothers were with and supervising them they didn't have time for any friends. No they didn't helicopter parent them, they just watched who their friends were and stayed at home when my brothers had friends over and also meeting their friends and seeing what kind of kids they are and yeah they were seen as strange by other parents and kids because they didn't watch their kids or supervise them and the kids didn't have those parents either. They just let them be off by themselves and do what they want assuming they will be fine.
I used to think I had strange parents because we weren't allowed to do whatever we wanted and she didn't spoil us with stuff and didn't get us whatever we wanted. Now I realize I just had a good mother and those other kids had bad parents. Now I realize there were other good parents in my neighborhood but I just noticed the bad ones because the bad stands out than the good so it makes it seem like everyone is this way and it looks common.
Like I say, being consistent. Mom told me at school when it was over "You are getting your mouth slapped next time you say that word" and when I said it, she had to do it because she had to be consistent. Before kids I used to wonder how hard is it to be consistent, after having my own, I know how hard it is to be consistent so no wonder many parents aren't consistent. BTW kids didn't curse at my school but yet when I was in 6th grade, kids would go out in the field and do it because they thought it made them all grown up and my mom told me how does that make them grown up, it's immature and crude behavior. Also the reason why they were doing it out there was because they knew they would get way with it because the duty ladies were not out there to monitor them and no one was around to tattle on them and the kids out there would not tell on each other because they were all doing it. They didn't even want me around because they knew if they cursed around me, I would have done it in class and then say "but the other kids do it, why are they allowed to do it and not me?" because I didn't know where the line was drawn and bam, they would have gotten caught and be responsible for my behavior and they didn't want to have to censor themselves so they didn't want me around. Then when I was in high school, kids would cuss but I was old enough to understand just because they do it doesn't make it okay and teachers always told them to watch their language and sometimes it got enforced by teachers because instead of being told to watch the language, they would get kicked out of class or be given detention or be ATM meaning they would be sent to another classroom and had to fill out a paper there about why they they were sent there and who their teacher is. I never understood that punishment because how is filling out a paper a punishment? I always thought it was stupid because it made no sense and i didn't see how it was effective. It's just filling out a piece of paper and where is the bigger punishment after you're done?
My mom does not like cursing so she didn't allow it in her home even though she would curse sometimes and then say she is a grown up so she can but she doesn't do it often. Some parents think it's fine so they let their kids use such language and some think it's okay to say them in certain situations so they let them while my mother didn't allow it at all. I realized as an adult parents do push their beliefs on their kids. A parent doesn't like cursing so she prohibits her kids saying them, a parent doesn't think their kid should be having sex so they prohibit it, a parent does not approve of teen pregnancy so she prohibits it and will make it very difficult for their child if they got pregnant and that means being on their own, may have to quit school to work to support their baby because they are not going to do it for them nor help them by giving them money for diapers and formula anything the baby needs, a parent thinks finishing school is important so she prohibits her kids from dropping out of school and if they do, it will be hard for them because it means they are adults now and their childhood is over (even if they are still under 18) so time to get a job ad support themselves now and also pay them rent. They also teach them what they believe in like rather abortions are wrong or okay or rather being gay is bad or fine or rather being polite is a must or not a must or rather bullying is okay or not.
Just as long as drinking is done in moderation, it's not bad or dangerous. My parents are occasional drinkers and they don't drink too much they get drunk and do stupid stuff. My brother however would go to bars and get drunk and one day he crashed his scooter due to driving under the influence and he cut back on his drinking and getting drunk. Luckily the punishment wasn't severe and it was light because he only spent a few days in jail and had to do community service. He didn't get his license suspended and he was very lucky he didn't kill anyone or crash into any property or have anyone involved, it was only him with the accident and no one else involved. I think he had to pay a fine too. I also say he was lucky because it could have been worse but it still taught him a lesson and made him realize.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
7) My parents hit me, and I turned out fine. -or- My kids are well behaved because I hit them.
8.) The punishment fits the crime - sure I slapped his bottom, but he did x, y and z...he deserved it!
9) Nothing else worked
10) S/He needs to learn right from wrong.
11) It made him/her stop - therefore it works.
-7) I am not sure, if I would refer to a person, beating someone else without reason, as "fine".
-8) There are existing laws, that most people agreed to each other, that define when the majority of us sees physical fighting as ok. Most refer to "self defense" in case of emergency. So I agree, if the crime is "My kid attacked me physically and tried to beat me/injure me!", I agree that physical fighting for defense, fits the crime. In any other case its a lame excuse for someone being too lame to get therapy for his issues.
-9) If you dont manage to be a parent, there are several organizations offering help.
-10) I dont think, that teaching someone to start beating other people, if they dont behave, as it pleases you, is "right" according to the majority of people. Shall I start beating an supermarket cashier, because I dislike to pay?
-11) Yop, beating up old people that got weird, and might suffer from Alzheimer, might as well have some effects. Still I dont agree, that we should start treating people like that.
Last edited by Schneekugel on 03 Feb 2014, 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
I am an aspie who is a non-parent. I have never raised a child nor have I babysat. I am ignorant on many matters at hand and in this manner I have no clue. Therefore, I have questions about the punishment model. I have had these questions for a while.
1. Does a child avoid stealing to avoid the consequences of his actions or does the child avoid stealing because he feels stealing is immoral and wrong?
2. What would the child do if the child could avoid punishment? Would this child steal if he figured he wasn't going to get caught or would he avoid stealing no matter what consequences were in place or not in place? If there were lack of consequences what would be the reaction of the child? Would he still not steal because it was morally wrong?
3. How does the punishment model get a child to know that something is wrong and actually feel in his heart that it is wrong. I will give an example of myself. If society got to a point and became so immoral that pedophile was allowed I would still not engage in it because I feel in my heart it is wrong. It hurts a child. It is wrong to hurt a child. It is a moral outrage to me.
Jack McClellan, is a self-admitted pedophile who would molest children if it was not against the law. The only thing holding Jack McClellan is the law. ... -web-site/
4. What is holding him back is fear of a negative consequence instead of feeling it is wrong. If the law broke down and/or pedophilia was somehow made legal what would hold this man back?
5. In Japan, during the tsunami and the nuclear power plant disaster order did not break down? Why didn't the Japanese start looting and rioting? Why did order break down during Hurricane Katrina in the USA?
6. When I think the punishment model, I do not grasp it and how it actually gets a child to accept and feel in his heart something is morally wrong. What is the theory and premises that make up the punishment model and how did these premises develop? What is the rationale behind punishment model? How does this model make a child into a noble and virtuous person?
7. I simply just do not understand. If I am using fallacious reasoning would a parent who truthfully knows and understands please show me where my reasoning is off?
8. One day in the future my wife and I will have a child. How do we raise them to be noble and virtuous? How does one properly raise a child?
I have been trying to formulate some comments about behaviorism since it came up in another thread, and I see some related thinking here.
I will answer the thread specifically about behaviorism when I get that more complicated thought together, but this discussion has brought part of that thought to the fore.
I read Skinner in high school and was disgusted by his way of thinking. Perhaps I am mistaken, but my understanding is that one of the things I found most repellent about Skinner is central to behaviorist thinking: the system of thought rejects any account of internal mental states except in so far as they are evidenced in physical action.
Emotion doesn't really exist in this system, except in the way it can be seen in physical responses or behaviors.
I find this intrinsically disgusting. It seems to me to be based in the most extreme disrespect for inner experience. It partakes in the root injustice that is the basis of the most reviled immorality: disrespect toward, disregard of and utter indifference to the personality, mind and feelings of others.
When is sex immoral? When one person pursues sexual gratification at the expense of another, without regard for the intention, feelings and person of that other.
What is offensive about beating or murdering people? The same extreme disrespect of the person and will of another.
Speech of some kind is absolutely necessary to have knowledge of the inner life of others. This is clear from the accounts of people who have been unable to communicate or exhibit "behavior" of any kind and then are given the ability to communicate and we learn from their speech about their silent experiences There are plenty of accounts of nonverbal autistics who gain the ability to communicate and then discuss remembered experiences with greater perception than those who observed their behavior had imagined possible. Similar accounts can be seen in the work of Oliver Sacks.
There are many critiques of the absurdity of "functional analysis of verbal behavior" so I won't get into that, but for the moment I will just say that the idea of looking at human beings in this way--as if they did not have thoughts and minds with meaningful, significant conceptual and emotional content seems immoral and almost obscene to me.
These thoughts have many implications for approaches to raising children. Too many for me to list just now--but the one I want to get across--that also addresses Cubedemon's question about an inner sense of morality--is that you cannot just look at a child as a system that responds to rewards and punishments. You must look at a child as a person with ideas and communicate new ideas to that person.
The thing I have seen in my children that resulted in their doing or saying harmful things was a failure to see the perspective or impact on others. Only by sharing ideas about this with them, verbally, have I been able to help them take a larger view and apply the golden rule, the foundation of ethics.
While a child is at a stage of development that precludes their applying the golden rule and related thinking to their actions and speech, it is up to the parents to prevent that child from harming others or himself or herself. Once the child has developed the capacity to internally model their circumstances and imagine the results of their interactions with others and the environment, then the parent's role is to help them think through more complicated situations and take/make moral choices. This has nothing to do with carrots or sticks.
A system of behavior modification that relies on carrots in sticks and fails to develop the inner moral faculty of the child is a form of child abuse, as I see it.
To the extent that behaviorist systems stray from the reductio ad absurdum of Skinnerian approaches and incorporate more respect for the mind and inner being of the person they are being applied to, they may be less appalling.
Sorry if that seemed like a tangential rant, but I wanted to "get it off my chest."
>>>>>>>>Edited to add:
I hope that my children see the ethical ideas I discuss with them enacted in my conduct. It is that combination of demonstrated behavior and verbal exchange of ideas that I trust will spark their own ethical senses and transmit these important parts of my culture and beliefs to them.
Emotion doesn't really exist in this system, except in the way it can be seen in physical responses or behaviors.
I find this intrinsically disgusting. It seems to me to be based in the most extreme disrespect for inner experience. It partakes in the root injustice that is the basis of the most reviled immorality: disrespect toward, disregard of and utter indifference to the personality, mind and feelings of others.
While a child is at a stage of development that precludes their applying the golden rule and related thinking to their actions and speech, it is up to the parents to prevent that child from harming others or himself or herself. Once the child has developed the capacity to internally model their circumstances and imagine the results of their interactions with others and the environment, then the parent's role is to help them think through more complicated situations and take/make moral choices. This has nothing to do with carrots or sticks.
I don't disagree with you that the conversation and the morality part are important. I can compartmentalize and talk about the pragmatics even if I do not undertake what I do in that kind of vacuum.
I always explain the reasons behind rules. It is why my son trusts that I mean well, even when to him, the rules themselves sometimes make no sense. The question is what you do before the logic, reasoning and empathetic ToM kick in. In our case, last year, compliance was way more important,than now, b/c my son's "non-compliance" was putting him in actual danger at school from the people who were supposed to be looking after him. The thing is there are no shortcuts.
In our case natural consequences have always worked better than punishments. Sometimes small rewards will push him into trying something new or different that conversations just do not motivate. Sometimes it is worth it to us to employ this. Actual punishments just piss him off, and make the logic in his brain shut down.
Considering the practical does not preclude considering the moral. Using small doses of motivational techniques does not equate, in my mind, anyway, to undertaking a manipulative science experiment.