Edenthiel wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Halloween maybe, the rest of the time you have to protect your kid from themselves. What we know as right and wrong doesn't change the nature of children. Clothes just cover your naked body, there are more important things to stick your flag down for.
Unless, of course, they are transgender. Or just want to play with gender roles. Or simply are so creative they can't be contained by this moment's rules for "boy" and "girl"...in which case you wouldn't be "protecting them from themselves" you'd be causing varying degrees of harm.
Just pointing out that there are trans people on these forums, and parents of trans children, too.
I don't think it would be right to send a little child to school to get relentlessly bullied, I only speak from my experience in a rough public school system but kids can be ruthless and unforgiving. Verbal
and physical abuse, I've seen plenty and knew more than one person who dropped out before taking another day of it. You can punish bullies after the fact and everything else but that won't change the nature of children. Most places don't bus kids all around the city like my city did, most people are stuck going to same school as long as they live in one place so some "free spiritedness" could follow a kid until they graduate, I remember they use to always make fun of this refugee Serbian kid because he apparently pooped his pants all the way back in like elementary school. It's not right, it's not fair, it is what it is tho. Protect your kid, don't try to make a statement thru them. You want school to be as least traumatic as possible, don't paint a bullseye on their back.
We actually had a kid show up to school one day in a skirt and stockings in middle school, I think it was his first day and he was being purposely provocative as he also had long green hair but this caused such a commotion that they had to escort the kid out of the building before the end of the day and I never saw him again. I think somebody might of attacked him in the hall or something I dunno, like I said kids are CRUEL.