Ticker wrote:
My A-dar or Aspie radar says its a definite Bill Gates has Aspergers. If you watch him in interviews he acts like one of us. I've also heard he is into rituals and his assistants have to tend to him as if he were a child.
Emily Dickinson seems to have schizo tendancies or some other personality disorder but not AS. Lincoln doesn't come across as AS more like just the typical old prune male of his time.
His assistants have to tend to him HOW? My father never mentioned THAT, so I doubt it is true. I DOUBT warren buffet is going to be tending to him as if he were a child. That said, Bill Gates acts the SAME way playing card games, and AS WAS mentioned! ALSO, when I looked at wikipedia, it described how he reacted in a situation, and I, earlier, would have reacted the EXACT same way. When I thought he DIDN'T think that way was, in fact, one of the reasons I earlier said he DIDN'T have AS. Another thing, pirates of silicon valley spoke of how he drove and acted when the company started. It DOES fit an autistic profile, and they didn't even cover ANY of this.
Last I heard, Marfan syndrome is about the only syndrome that Lincoln supposedly had. I don't know about emily dickinson in that regard.