I did it as a child and continued right through until I was around sixteen. I ate a wide variety of supposedly inedible items, such as coins, crayons, chalk, pebbles, soil, sand, flowers, leaves, plasticine, paper, buttons, small plastic toys, glass marbles and probably many more other things. I also used to carry a matchbox filled with table salt, which I used to lick. Why I did any of it I have non idea. I've read that supposedly Pica can be caused by mineral or vitamin deficiencies but I personally don't buy into that, how would a coin or a glass marble provide any trace minerals when it passes rigth trhough the digestive system uneffected? I have no idea why I stopped either but I obviously stop did eventually because I don't do it any more. As far as I know it hasn't done me any physical harm.
Gamsediog biptol ap simdeg Bimog, toto absolimoth dep nimtec gwarg. Am in litipol wedi memsodth tobetreg bim nib.
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