Remnant wrote:
Doesn't one in 30,000 per year count as rare?
Actually it is quite rare. I have an autoimmune illness called CREST which is occurs in something like 1 in every 30,000. But nobody has ever heard of that including most of the drs I have seen. You don't hear people getting worked into a tizzy over autoimmune illness which is becoming more widespread. Things like Lupus and MS are becoming epidemic in the female population over 30.
There's a number of things that are getting epidemic that you don't hear anyone worrying over. Like 13 million Americans have undiagnosed hypothyroidism. But people think that doesn't matter because all it does is make a person heavy. Wrong! Slow or fast thyroids can destroy the heart! And its thought several million people have Lyme disease undiagnosed. That's a whole lot more people than have cervical cancer, but you don't hear anyone worrying if their child might have that!
Put this in perspective people and quit bowing down to media frenzy. The HPV vaccine above all is a marketing gimic to feed off uneducated people who like to jump on the bandwagon.
Anyone who would give their child this vaccine before proper studies have been done on it does not truly care for their child. Again look at Lymrix and how that vaccine has maimed people for life. There are even studies coming out linking the polio vaccine with causing AIDS in humans since the vaccine was grown in monkeys. AIDS is a Simian virus. It will be interesting in 20 yrs to see how many girls sue their parents for harming them with the HPV vaccine when women start getting sick from it. The FDA is letting things get on the market without proper studies. Look at Celebrex and Bectra. And look at the black box warnings coming out on SSRI's. Why? Because it is harming people. 30 years ago women couldn't wait to take DES and then a few yrs later they figure out DES caused deformed babies and cancer in the mother and offspring. I am a DES baby and my twin brother died from the deformities it caused.
If parents would teach their children some abstainence and not sleeping with multitudes of sex partners and being good examples to their children by not bedhopping themselves that would lower the HPV rate even more.