Have any of you gotten bills for your children and then found out from the place that sent them that you don't owe any money? That's happened to us for about six months now.
No, because it's after the money has been paid. The parent company is sending us bills but the actual firm says we owe nothing according to their records. At least one of these bills was sent out before it was logged on the company's computer system too. It's very strange.
You will probably have to look over the statements, see what the parent corp are claiming is unpaid (or billed higher) and sort it out with them, if the local place will do not do it on your behalf.
It turns out to be some sort of program involving "patient liability" for persons living in facilities classified as nursing homes or hospices. My boys are currently attending a program for severely autistic children in an Intermediate Care Facility for three years only. The facility is aware of the problem and is attempting to fix it.